摘自:KPMG Global Economic Outlook - H2 2023 report We're in deeply uncertain times. While the latest KPMG Global Economic Outlook is unquestionably skewed toward a negative forecast, there are always glimmers of hope and optimism. With the right strategies in place and an ability to flex to a...
Global Economic Outlook World growth has held up in 2023, driven by a normalization of consumption in China and a pick-up in US growth, which have outweighed a sharp slowdown in Europe following the regional energy shock in 2022. Webinar On-Demand...
9 proc. w 2023 roku. W dużej mierze to efekt największej od osiemdziesięciu lat powodzi w Rio Grande do Sul. Powódź doszczętnie zniszczyła uprawy rolne, co w bezpośredni sposób przekłada się na wzrost inflacji, spadek produkcji i eksportu. Tym samym Dun & ...
Balancing on the summit: our global outlook for Q3 We expect the global economy to slow further in the coming monthsWe maintain our 2023 global growth forecast at 2.7% and lower our 2024 forecast to 2.9% (from 3.0%). Developed economies are likely to lead the way lower as the US and...
Economic conditions outlook during turbulent times, March 2023 As the year draws to a close,global respondents expect the threat of geopolitical instability and conflicts to persist well into 2024. In our latestMcKinsey Global Surveyon economic conditions,1the largest percentages we’ve seen all year...
Advanced Technology Economics United States China India United Kingdom Intelligence Unit December 20, 2023 The Global Economic Outlook is HolonIQ's annual analysis on the global impact economy. The 2024 edition presents over 160 pages of detailed market data, investment & analysis, strategic shifts an...
owo plany rządu zakładają w latach 2025-2026 zwiększone wydatki inwestycyjne, co przy spadku poziomu inflacji będzie stymulować wzrost konsumpcji prywatnej. We wrześniu ceny spadły rok do roku o 0,3 proc., co stanowi pierwszy taki przypadek od czerwca 2023 roku...
While there are few big surprises in our 2023 outlook, there is plenty of nuance. As always, the story varies by region, in some ways dramatically. In contrast to forecasts for Western economies, Asia could offer green shoots for growth, particularly in India, and emerging market economies co...
London –Standard Chartered (“the Bank”) now expect global GDP growth of 3.1% this year, unchanged from 2023, and 3.2% in 2025, an improvement from earlier forecasts of 2.9% and 3.1%. According to the Bank’s Global Focus Economic Outlook Q2-2024, which covers the outlook for 58 econo...
"We have high inflation and the deteriorating global economic outlook. At the same time, we have geopolitical risks with economic spillovers from the war in Ukraine. On top of all of this, global financial conditions have tightened as central banks continue to raise interest rates," Tobias Adria...