GEPGlobalEconomicProspects GFCglobalfinancialcrisis GNFSgoodsandnonfactorservices IMFInternationalMonetaryFund LACLatinAmericaandtheCaribbean LIClow-incomecountry MNAMiddleEastandNorthAfrica OECDOrganisationforEconomicCo-operationandDevelopment OPECOrganizationofthePetroleumExportingCountries OPEC+OPECandAzerbaijan,Bahrain,Br...
The experience of the previous economic crisis indicates that with the post-crisis recovery, the emissions returned to their original course. The fall in emissions was short-term, with the exception of the Great Depression, and when such crises were triggered by energy issues such as the 1970s...
org/en/Docs/cicrp1_en.pdfConferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Desarrollo, UNCTAD (2009). Global economic crisis: implications for trade and development. Ginebra: UNCTAD secretariat.UNCTAD, 2009, Press releases, Global economic crisis: implications for trade and development...
2024年全球风险报告第19版WEF_The_Global_Risks_Report_2024.pdf,January 2024 The Global Risks Report 2024 Terms of use and disclaimer This document is published by the World Economic Forum as a contribution to a project, insight area or interaction. The fin
经济危机(EconomicCrisis)指的是一个或多 个国民经济或整个世界经济在一段比较长的时间 内不断收缩(负的经济增长率),是资本主义经济 发展过程中周期爆发的生产相对过剩的危机。自 1825年英国第一次爆发普遍的经济危机以来,资 本主义经济从未摆脱过经济危机的冲击。经济危 机也是指经济系统没有产生足够的消费价值,...
B., `The IMF, the World Bank and the Global Economic Crisis: Exploring Paradigm Continuity', Development and Change, Vol. 43, No. 4, 869-98, 2012....
In case studies including Asia, the Middle East and Latin America, they examine the associated tensions of livelihood and ecology in the current context of global economic crisis, considering issues of natural ecology, water use, health, childcare, technology and work, migration, and economic ...
Global GDP growth in 2023 is projected to be 2.7%, the lowest annual rate since the global financial crisis, picking up modestly to 2.9% in 2024 according to the OECD’s June outlook. The OECD’s leading indicators for developed economies remain disappointing, with U...
免费在线预览全文 The Global Risks Report 2022 17th Edition I N S I G H T R E P O R T In partnership with Marsh McLennan, SK Group and Zurich Insurance Group The Global Risks Report 2022, 17th Edition, is published by the World Economic Forum. The information in this report, or on...
January 2024The Global Risks Report 2024Terms of use and disclaimerThis document is published by the World EconomicForum