the fractality of earthquake distributions has been mostly established in circumscribed areas, despite the fact that the self-organized criticality of the lithosphere should only
What about earthquakes. Why does all this matter to residents of an earthquake state like California, Washington or the Mid Atlantic states along the New Madrid fault? LIVE IMAGE! California/Nevada Earthquakes from the past week show up in this image. ...
The recovery curves adopted are similar as the earthquake recovery curves. However, the maximum recovery values are adjusted to reflect the known recovery durations of ports. A maximum port recovery of 120 days is used, which is based on the time needed to reconstruct the port of New Orleans...
we might want to know the probability of an eruption following the earthquake within a specific time period based on the global database of similar earthquakes. In order to compute such a probability, we must know the prevalence of FPs. This allows us to ...
we adopt the geospatial prediction models of Zhu et al.36to create a global liquefaction susceptibility map37. The models relate common ground-motion intensity measures with geospatial parameters relevant to liquefaction susceptibility. Calibrated to 27 earthquake events, the models have since shown promi...
So most of the east coast might be under water….Florida would be totally gone. The area up the middle of the USA is flooded also, because the Mississippi would flood, and that is also the area of the Madrid fault line, which could cause an earthquake, and cause flooding also. ...
The earthquake in Nepal was not (unlike that in Port-au-Prince) in any way unexpected. Disaster professionals have been talking for years- decades- about the earthquake threat to Kathmandu. The city’s location on a fault-line, the high population density, the poverty, the poor building prac...
Here, each lobate scarp and high-relief ridge is interpreted to have a single primary thrust fault controlling the surface expression and contractional strain of the structure, and thus each is mapped with a single polyline (see Supplementary Note 1). The new tectonic map, generated using high...
Aqueduct damage map, Fukushima prefecture Full size image The largest consequence of the earthquake and tsunami is the accident at the Fukushima NPP No1. Many serious problems have resulted, including nuclear contamination of soils and sea water, and evacuation of a large number of residents in th...
The world active faults dataset was obtained from the Global Earthquake Model Foundation’s Global Active Faults project (GEM-GAF), freely downloadable at The dataset consists of GIS files containing fault traces and small amounts of relevant at...