GlobalDistributionSystems •FormerlyknownasCRS:•ComputerReservationSystem•NowGDS:GlobalDistributionSystems•Namechangebecauseoffunctionchange:•AirlineReservationsAllTravelServices MainFunctions •Reservations:PNR(PassengerNameRecord=bookingfilecontainingallrelevantreservationdata)•Back-officeintegration •...
当今全球商企中的信息系统ppt课件 全球定位系统ppt课件 第07章 航空公司电子商务和全球分销系统 frost sullivan全球CRO行业报告2012 global+cro market quantitative assessment 外文翻译及文献:全球定位系统的介绍 Introduction to the Global Positioning System DC Distribution Systems - Chalmers tekniska högskola...
GlobalDistributionSystemsGDS全球分销系统.ppt,Alternatives 第三十一页,共六十一页。 Airline want to get that share! 第三十二页,共六十一页。 Airline Strategies 第三十三页,共六十一页。 Traditional Travel Distribution Chain VENDORS TOUROPERATORS TRAVEL AGE
PPT文档演模板 GlobalDistributionSystems全球分销系统 Then…..•Onacertaindayonacertainflighttwopersonsmetbychance:•Mr.SmithfromAmericanAirlines(AA)•Mr.SmithfromIBM•Result:PlantoautomatetheAAreservation processwiththehelpofIBMhard-andsoftware•Result:SABRE(SemiAutomaticBusiness ReservationsEnvironment)PP...
New business models, … So let's start with some history Global Distribution Systems • Formerly known as CRS: • Computer Reservation System • Now GDS: Global Distribution Systems • Name change because of function change: • Airline Reservations All Travel Services Main Functions ...
Computer Reservation System ? Now GDS: Global Distribution Systems ? Name change because of function change: ? Airline Reservations ? All Travel Services Main Functions ? Reservations: PNR (Passenger Name Record = booking file containing all relevant reservation data) ? Back-office integration ?
Focus: the hopeless state of those infected Proper names: Clapham: 克拉彭 Mancunian: 曼彻斯特人 Glaswegian: 格拉斯哥人 Durham: 达勒姆 Leeds: 利兹 Malawi: 马拉维 Lilongwe: 利隆圭 kwacha: 克瓦查 Blantyre: 布兰太尔 Salima: 萨利马 Grace & Dessa Chidhedza How old are they? Where do they live? What...
Fig. 1: Global distribution of hotter-drought tree mortality plots. Geo-referenced tree mortality plots (n = 1303) in the database. Dots are color coded according to the year of mortality. Each point has been precisely georeferenced. Insets show examples of dense plot networks in Canada...
Only revenues that are generated by primary vendors at the manufacturer price level either directly or through distribution channels (excluding value-added tax) are included, and revenues generated by resellers are excluded. Revenues are generated through both online and offline sales channels and ...