Based on this probability map, we generated a global coral reef extent map from a 60% threshold of reef probability (reef: probability ≥ 60%, non-reef: probability < 60%). Our findings provide a proof-of-concept method for global reef extent estimates using a consistent and readily ...
2. Global climate change is affecting coral ecosystems disproportionally, with waters surrounding coral reefs acidifying faster than the open ocean3,4,5. Steadily increasing thermal stress is triggering major bleaching events and lowering coral reef resilience6,7,8. Predicting the future of...
Here we present a mapping framework for coral reefs from the scale of individual reefs to the entire reef systems across millions of square kilometers of ocean. The framework can utilize a wide range of input covariate and training data sources, and outputs both geomorphic and benthic map types...
Map showing coral reef locations and the projected delay (∆) in the Year of Annual Severe Bleaching (YASB) for different Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) scenarios. (A) RCP4.5. (B) RCP6.0. (C) RCP8.5. ∆YASB is the difference between YASB for sea-surface temperature (SST)...
Habitat maps to enhance monitoring and management of the Great Barrier Reef Article 09 April 2020 Evaluation of the Allen Coral Atlas benthic habitat map product for New Caledonia using representative habitat observations from a multi-species fishery assessment Article 09 March 2024 High-resolution...
For a full mindmap containing additional related articles and photos, visit #coralreefs Bleaching Coral bleaching occurs when the symbionts between corals and their symbiotic zooxanthellae breaks down, resulting in the loss of the symbionts and a rapid whitening of the coral host (thus the term “...
Further integrative studies are required to improve our knowledge of the processes linking coral reef responses to future climate change /br /br /strongGraphical abstract/strongbr /br /img title= src=...
Scientists have released their findings from the largest coral reef survey and mapping expedition ever conducted in French Polynesia. The Global Reef Expedition: French Polynesia Final Report provides a comprehensive summary of the research findings from
Brown BE (1997) Coral bleaching: causes and consequences. Coral Reefs 16:S129–S138 Article Google Scholar Bryant D, Burke L, McManus J, Spalding M (1998) Reefs at risk, a map-based indicator of threats to the world’s coral reefs. World Resources Inst, Washington, DC, pp 1–56 Go...
Map Data © 2018 Google. d Inset photo shows coral reef bleaching of top most branching corals in 2015 El Nino event in Guam. ©The Ocean Agency/XL Catlin Seaview Survey Full size image Results Reefs and global flood reduction benefits Globally, reefs avert substantial flood damages and ...