JavaScript function_getContext(){varerrorMessage ="Context is not available.";if(typeofGetGlobalContext !="undefined") {returnGetGlobalContext(); }else{if(typeofXrm !="undefined") {returnXrm.Page.context; }else{thrownewError(errorMessage); } } } ...
var userSettings = Xrm.Utility.getGlobalContext().userSettingsPropertiesThe userSettings object has the following properties:展开表 NameTypeDescription dateFormattingInfo object Returns the date formatting information for the current user. See dateFormattingInfo defaultDashboardId ... formContext.ui formContext.ui.formSelector formContext.ui.headerSection formContext.ui.navigation formContext.ui.process formContext.ui.quickForms formContext.ui.tabs Grids and subgrids Xrm.App
Those functions have their own context, yet have access to anything declared around them as well. consts=(sketch)=>{letx=100;lety=100;sketch.draw=function(){// draw() is an inner function, a "closure"sketch.rect(x,y,50,50);// draw() uses variables (x,y) declared in the parent ...
Context can be used to substitute values in the message string. For full details, see the Logging Information page. redirect(string $route) Parameters: $route (string)– The route name or Controller::method to redirect the user to. Return type: RedirectResponse Returns a RedirectResponse ...
ReactN Components and Hooks will attempt to find a global state manager via the Context. If one does not exist via Context, it will fallback to the default global state manager. Reducer A reducer is a function that accepts the current global state, a map of all global reducers, and any...
JavaScript: var c=document.getElementById("myCanvas"); var ctx=c.getContext("2d"); ctx.fillStyle="red"; ctx.fillRect(20,20,75,50); ctx.globalCompositeOperation="source-over"; ctx.fillStyle="blue"; ctx.fillRect(50,50,75,50); ctx.fillStyle="red"; ctx.fillRect(150,20,75,50);...
代码语言:javascript 复制 privatestaticclassGatewayFilterAdapterimplementsGatewayFilter{privatefinal GlobalFilter delegate;publicGatewayFilterAdapter(GlobalFilter delegate){this.delegate=delegate;}@OverridepublicMono<Void>filter(ServerWebExchange exchange,GatewayFilterChain chain){returnthis.delegate.filter(exchange,chai...
This section examines how one can dynamically evaluate code in JavaScript. Evaluating Code Using eval() The function call: eval(str) evaluates the JavaScript code in str. For example: > var a = 12; > eval('a + 5') 17 Note that eval() parses in statement context (see Expressions Versu...
JavaScript: constcanvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); constctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.fillStyle="red"; ctx.fillRect(20,20,75,50); ctx.globalCompositeOperation="source-over"; ctx.fillStyle="blue"; ctx.fillRect(50,50,75,50); ...