RussiaMaliUnited Nations Security CouncilThe interpretation of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine as a"turning point" indicates that long-established parameters of securing peace in international politics will change. This article tentatively assesses consequences of this war for the agenda of ...
Global price shocks:"It's important to note that in this context of Russia, we're not only talking about a spike in oil prices, but also natural gas and other commodities - metals, foods. Russia and Ukraine are significant exporters of all of these. And so what's unique about the shoc...
The team of researchers looked at the climate impact of the planet-heating pollution produced directly from warfare, including fuel use for tanks, planes and other equipment, construction of fortifications and production of weapons. They also examined impacts from the consequences of the war, such a...
According to the IMF's newly released Fiscal Monitor, the fiscal outlook is subject to "elevated uncertainty," as the full consequences of the Russia-Ukraine war and spillovers from sanctions on Russia are "unknown and will vary across countries." "Governments' responses will be shaped against t...
2): the duration of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the restrictions on labor and transportation in Ukraine brought about by war, the intensity of sanctions in the nontheater zone against Russia, and the number of countries involved. Accordingly, we can assess the consequences of the Russia-Ukraine...
. Automotive OEMs, in particular, are facing some of the most severe issues when looking to source capacitors made from palladium for production. For example, German automakers lost up to 150,000 units of production in March from supply disruptions resulting from the ongoing Russia-Ukraine ...
"Today's report makes clear that the war's impact on food security, energy and finance is systemic, severe, and speeding up. It is amplifying the consequences of the many other crises the world faces: climate, COVID-19, and the severe global inequalities in the resources available for the...
Impacts of the Russia-Ukraine war on global food security: Towards more sustainable and resilient food systems? Foods 11: 2301. Article Google Scholar Bessler, D., and S. Lee. 2022. Money and prices: U.S. Data 1869–1914 (A study with directed ...
In a statement, the global lender said the war in Ukraine was already driving energy and grain prices higher, and had sent a wave of more than one million refugees to neighbouring countries, while triggering unprecedented sanctions on Russia. ...
The working paper also showed that one of the dangerous legacies of the COVID-19 pandemic, exacerbated by the consequences of Russia-Ukraine war, is weakened capacity in developing countries to invest in their people (including in health) combined with lower appetite for grant support for developm...