目前全球化石燃料中煤炭对碳排放增长的贡献最大,2023年全球碳排放增量中煤炭占比达到70%。从行业角度分析,交通运输行业和电力行业碳排放增量较大,发达经济体的碳减排数量仍无法抵消发展中经济体带来的碳排放增长。 参考链接: 引用请注明信息来源:TodayESG CO2 Emissions in 2023 – IEA 附录:什么是碳抵消和碳嵌入 ...
doi:10.5194/essd-15-5301-2023CARBON cycleATMOSPHERIC carbon dioxideCARBON emissionsATMOSPHERIC oxygenCEMENT industriesCARBON dioxideAccurate assessment of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and their redistribution among the atmosphere, ocean, and terrestrial biosphere in a changing climate is critical...
13,14,15. However, recent studies have shown that exposed sediments following the desiccation of inland waters can contribute CO2emissions to the atmosphere at greater rates than those measured from the water surface during inundated periods16,17,18. Initial estimates predicted that...
In the Achieved Commitments scenario, for example, global energy-related CO2 emissions are expected to peak around 2023 and decline by 69 percent to 11 gigatons of CO2 (GtCO2) by 2050. Across these scenarios, the global mean surface air temperature (GSAT) is expected to increase by 1....
global CO2emissions by 3.1% if the emission intensities (CO2emissions per unit of output) keep unchanged. Given that the annual average growth rate of global CO2emissions from fuel combustion in the last decade was ~1.5%11, 3.1% represents a substantial burden on global CO2emissions mitigation....
另有30个新兴 经济体的活动水平数据来自碳核算数据库(Carbon Emission Accounts and Datasets, 简称CEADs)(Cui等, https://engine.scichina.com/doi/10.1360/N072023-0188 471 徐若翀等: MEIC-global-CO2: 精细源分类下包含次国家信息的全球CO2排放清单 2023). MEIC-global-CO2包括了29个国家的州省尺度 活动...
in the aviation sector, until 31 December 2023 the EU ETS will apply only to flights between airports located in the European Economic Area. The EU ETS framework The legislative framework of the European carbon market is spelled out in the ETS Directive. The system operates in trading phases....
2023, Journal of Energy Chemistry Show abstract A comprehensive review on the current trends, challenges and future prospects for sustainable mobility 2022, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Citation Excerpt : Thus, the study demonstrated a viable pathway for harvesting waste hydrogen in dual-fuel...
Adjusting emission inventories for trade gives a more consistent description of a country's environmental pressures and circumvents many trade related issues. It also gives opportunities to exploit trade as a means of mitigating emissions. Not least, a better understanding of the role that trade ...
There are a total of 5 tables of long time-series data, for the period 1930–2023. [File ‘Input data 1. Global cement clinker production and consumption’] 1180 are the cement materials usage in 7 regions worldwide, as well as CO2 emission and uptake factors, including “Cement usage ...