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Using the Center for Global Geography Education Project in the AP Human Geography Curriculumdoi:10.1080/19338341.2013.787944PhilDepartmentKleinDepartmentInformaworldGeography Teacher
Rationale: Internally displaced person has a specific definition that is not jargon. Precise references are required for reader clarity and source dignity. See Also: asylum-seeker, asylee; refugee Related Topics: Human Rights, Conflict, Identity Location: Global Published: May 2016 jerry can Rule: ...
International Classification of Diseases, ninth Revision (ICD-9) and tenth Revision (ICD-10) codes used as the case definition for meningitis were 036–036·9/A39–A39·9 (menin-gococcal meningitis), 320·0/G00·0 (H influenzae type b meningitis), 320·1/G00·1 (pneumococcal meningitis...
such as open proxies, VPN providers, etc., were excluded from the analysis. Next, we applied an open-source IP geolocation database, IP2Location™ Lite, to map these unique IP addresses in specific geographic locations in the form of country/region/city and longitude/altitude pair. The loc...
The reference case definition for diabetes was a fasting plasma glucose (FPG) concentration of 7 mmol/L (126 mg/dL) or greater, or a person using insulin or diabetes medication. We included any population-representative source that provided individual-level data or reported the prevalence or inci...
Diseases of poverty are, by definition, both drivers and manifestations of poverty. They reflect not only individual risk factors, but larger structural inequalities in access to health services, infrastructure, food security, education, political voice and markets that drive poverty and maintain social...
It is also important to note that planted forests are defined differently between sources19. We chose to use FAO’s definition of a planted forest (see Background & Summary)10as it broadly encompasses the data of interest. Data sources ...
The Global Human Settlements (GHS) Urban Centres Database (UCDB) provides a unified way to define city boundaries, surpassing the inconsistencies of administrative boundaries delineated across regions (Dijkstra et al., 2019, Melchiorri, 2022). Online GIS computing services such as OSMnx (Boeing, ...
It is also important to note that planted forests are defined differently between sources19. We chose to use FAO’s definition of a planted forest (see Background & Summary)10as it broadly encompasses the data of interest. Data sources ...