Rob Peters and Thomas E. Lovejoy founded climate change biology when both were with the World Wildlife Fund in the late 1980s. Lovejoy famously met with Steve Schneider (then director of the National Center for Atmospheric Research) and said, “I want to talk about how what you do affects...
One of the strongest and widely seen signals of global change biology is a change in phenology, as noted by an increase in the length of the growing season, either by nature of an earlier and/or later growing season (Cleland, Chuine, Menzel, Mooney, & Schwartz, 2007; Menzel et al., ...
Effects of climate change have also been investigated by Rees, Brown, Jayakumar, and Ward (2016), who found that acidification (pH reduction by 0.06–0.4) of polar and subpolar Atlantic Ocean waters did not affect AOA community composition but reduced N2O production in proportion to the ...
Atmospheric transport is one of the primary mechanisms by which Hg is distributed throughout the global environment. Climate change will, however, affect the transport of pollution from major emissions source regions. For example, by affecting mid-latitude circulation patterns, Arctic amplification (i....
Roots account for a major part of plant biomass in Tibetan alpine meadows. Understanding root decomposition with global change is key to predict carbon (C) and nutrient dynamics on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Yet, few experiments have carefully examined r
(nighttime light, nighttime light change, cropland coverage, and cropland change) dominated the changes in FFI during 2000–2020 in the most developed areas, such as the eastern US, Europe, and South China (Supplementary Fig.5). Moreover, wildfire mainly controlled the ΔFFI of some areas ...
“Beijing Call for Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change (06 Nov. 19).” France Diplomacy - Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, ...
Changes in plant inputs alter soil carbon and microbial communities in forest ecosystems 2022, Global Change Biology Beyond bulk: Density fractions explain heterogeneity in global soil carbon abundance and persistence 2022, Global Change Biology View all citing articles on ScopusView full text ...
Tropical Asia includes a rich biodiversity, threatened by climate change and intense land-use. We used a dynamic vegetation model to investigate how an ensemble of climate change scenarios may influe...
These results are strong evidence that the response functions of source and sink processes are indeed very different in trees, and need to be considered separately to correctly assess vegetation responses to environmental change. The results provide a parameterization for the explicit representation of ...