癌症是全球主要的公共卫生问题,近年来,由于饮食、环境、人口的老龄化等因素,全球癌症发病率不断增长,癌症作为主要死因的情况日益突出。2024年2月1日,世界卫生组织国际癌症研究机构(WHO IARC)发布了最新的全球癌症负担数据的报告:Global cancer burden growing,amidst mounting need for services 。该报告显示,...
2024年年初,世界卫生组织国际癌症研究机构(IARC)发布的《Global cancer burden growing, amidst mounting need for services》中指出,全球约有1/5的人会在一生中罹患癌症。癌症负担日益加重的同时,癌症治疗领域正面临着不断上升的治疗费用、护理服务的碎片化以及患者病情差异巨大等问题。 在此背景下,逐渐高涨的癌症护理...
作者: 2024年2月2日,世界卫生组织国际癌症研究机构(IARC)最新发布的Global cancer burden growing, amidst mounting need for services,再一次强调了目前日益加重的全球癌症负担,值得世界范围内的重视。总结来说,①2022年全球新增癌症病例数达到2,000万例,死亡病例970万例;②据估计,确诊癌症后的5年内,存活人数为5,...
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) established in 1965 as the cancer agency of the World Health Organization, focuses on cancer research and dedicates to developing strategies for cancer control globally. On February 1,2024, IARC unveiled the latest global cancer burden estimates...
Global cancer burden growing, amidst mounting need for services 全球癌症负担增加,服务需求增加 网址 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38438207/ DOI 暂未提供,该求助的时间将会延长,查看原因? 求助人 全夏在 2024-03-21 19:34:58 发布自山西,悬赏10积分 ...
World Cancer Day is marked every year on September 24 and seeks to raise awareness of the importance of cancer research as a key driver of advances in prevention and therapeutic strategies that increase survival and reduce the global cancer burden. This year, World Cancer Research Day focuses on...
Esophageal cancer remains a major health threat worldwide, with considerable regional disparities in incidence and mortality. Key modifiable risk factors—smoking, alcohol consumption, and obesity—are closely linked to its development. Moreover, demogra
The worldwide burden of cancer is growing at an "alarming pace," and treatment alone is not the way to prevent a cancer crisis, a major report into the worldwide prevalence of the disease has warned.1 The World Cancer Report 2014 , published by the World Health Organization's International...
according to estimates by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), by 2040, the global cancer burden is predicted to increase to 27.55 million new cancer cases and 16.38 million deaths worldwide. These numbers will dictate the growth of the worldwide cancer therapy market in the...
These trends varied by sex, cancer type, geography, and HDI. Conclusion AYA cancers present a significant and growing global burden, with marked disparities across sex, geographic locations, and HDI levels. Policymakers should prioritize equitable resource allocation and implement targeted interventions ...