代谢性疾病包括高血压、2型糖尿病、高血脂、肥胖以及非酒精性脂肪肝(Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease,NAFLD)等【1-3】。全球疾病、损伤以及风险因素研究(The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study,GBD)系统性收集死亡率数据,并按照年龄、性别、地点等进行分类,从而能够对代谢行疾病...
GBD数据库是由华盛顿大学卫生计量与评估研究所(IHME)领导,共计有来自160个国家或地区的12,000多名研究者参与了2021年的数据更新。GBD数据库涵盖了204个国家或地区,并对607 billion+数据进行了高度标准化且全面的估计,疾病相关的健康结局与危险因素包括459个。数据库创建目的在于评估和分析全球以及各个地区的疾病、伤害...
Definition The term "Burden of Disease" can refer to the overall impact of diseases and injuries at theindividual level, at the societal level, orto the economic costs of diseases. Specifically, the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) refers to a WHO and World Bank study published in the World...
副标题:A comprehensive assessment of mortality and disability from diseases, injuries, and risk factors in 1990 and projected to 2020 (The Global Burden of Disease and Injury) 出版年:1996-08-01 定价:USD 45.00 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9780674354487 ...
The Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD) began 30 years ago with the goal of providing timely, valid and relevant assessments of critical health outcomes. Over this period, the GBD has become progressively more granular. The latest iteration provides assessments of thousands of outcomes for diseas...
今天我们来聊一聊第一个公共数据库——GBD数据库,全称叫做global burden of disease(全球疾病负担),该数据库每年都会更新,目前已经更新到GBD2019。 这里直接给大家贴出网址:http://ghdx.healthdata.org/gbd-2019 上图中红色圈圈标识的就是数据库的数据获取界面的链接,大家直接点击即可. ...
GBD2013:GlobalBurdenofDiseases,Injuries,andRiskFactors Protocol July24,2013 1 2 Thisprotocoloutlinesthekeyroles,responsibilities,decisionmakingprocesses,anddeliverables includedintheGlobalBurdenofDiseases,Injuries,andRiskFactorsStudy2013(GBD2013)andis intendedforallindividualsdirectlyengagedintheGBD2013.Theprotocolis...
This year marked the launch of the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2021 study, the first presentation of the study to incorporate the devastating direct, and indirect, worldwide impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic on population health. Understanding how the study differs from its predecessors is ...
(GBD) study, had a significant influence on the perception of the impact of various disorders. Prior estimates had indicated infectious diseases were the most important causes of public health problems. However, this study, which considered not only mortality from a disease but the burden impos...
Globalburdenofdisease(GBD) -Howtomeasurediseaseburdenand importanceofriskfactors Emilie.agardh@ki.se Measuringburdenofdisease Whatisburdenofdisease? Whymeasureburdenofdisease? Howtomeasureburdenofdisease? Theburdenofdiseaseindifferentcountries Theimportanceofriskfactorstotheburdenofdisease Diseases/diagnoses Therear...