代谢性疾病包括高血压、2型糖尿病、高血脂、肥胖以及非酒精性脂肪肝(Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease,NAFLD)等【1-3】。全球疾病、损伤以及风险因素研究(The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study,GBD)系统性收集死亡率数据,并按照年龄、性别、地点等进行分类,从而能够对代谢行疾病...
世界卫生组织全球疾病负担评估报告who The Global Burden of Disease_report_2004update_full 星级: 160 页 global burden of disease and economic growth全球疾病负担和经济增长 星级: 21 页 Global and regional burden of disease and risk factors 星级: 11 页 global and regional burden of disease and ...
burdendiseaseriskglobalfactorsmathers GlobalBurdenofDiseaseandRiskFactors GlobalBurden ofDiseaseand RiskFactors Editors AlanD.Lopez ColinD.Mathers MajidEzzati DeanT.Jamison ChristopherJ.L.Murray AcopublicationofOxfordUniversityPressandTheWorldBank ©2006TheInternationalBankforReconstructionandDevelopment/TheWorldBank...
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GBD2013:GlobalBurdenofDiseases,Injuries,andRiskFactors Protocol July24,2013 1 2 Thisprotocoloutlinesthekeyroles,responsibilities,decisionmakingprocesses,anddeliverables includedintheGlobalBurdenofDiseases,Injuries,andRiskFactorsStudy2013(GBD2013)andis intendedforallindividualsdirectlyengagedintheGBD2013.Theprotocolis...
Global Burden of Disease and Risk Factors examines the comparative importance of diseases, injuries, and risk factors; it incorporates a range of new data sources to develop consistent estimates of incidence, prevalence, severity and duration, and mortality for 136 major diseases and injuries. ...
出版社:Harvard School of Public Health 副标题:A comprehensive assessment of mortality and disability from diseases, injuries, and risk factors in 1990 and projected to 2020 (The Global Burden of Disease and Injury) 出版年:1996-08-01 定价:USD 45.00 ...
The Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries and Risk Factors study (GBD) is a systematic, scientific effort to quantify the comparative magnitude of health loss. In GBD 2013 the health loss due to 240 causes of death and 301 causes of morbidity, and 79 risk factors was estimated in terms of ...
Global Burden of Disease and Risk Factors 2024 pdf epub mobi 用户评价 评分☆☆☆ 可能自己目光粗浅吧,平时接触的主要是临床,觉得这些general的命题有点离地呢,也许只是不感兴趣~~ 评分☆☆☆ 可能自己目光粗浅吧,平时接触的主要是临床,觉得这些general的命题有点离地呢,也许只是不感兴趣~~ 评分☆☆☆...
Our aim was to calculate the global burden of disease and risk factors for 2001, to examine regional trends from 1990 to 2001, and to provide a starting point for the analysis of the Disease Control Priorities Project (DCPP). Methods We calculated mortality, incidence, prevalence, and disabilit...