New-GlobalAddressList [-Name] <String> -RecipientFilter <String> [-Confirm] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-RecipientContainer <OrganizationalUnitIdParameter>] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>] 说明 与IncludedRecipients 参数结合使用的 Conditional 参数受到以下限制约束: EQV 运算符用于每个属性值,如“Departmen...
For more information about address lists, see Address lists in Exchange Online.If your organization uses address book policies (ABPs), you'll need to create additional GALs. To learn more, see Address book policies in Exchange Online.For additional GAL management tasks, see Address li...
Disable-AddressListPaging Enable-AddressListPaging Get-AddressBookPolicy Get-AddressList Get-DetailsTemplate Get-EmailAddressPolicy Get-GlobalAddressList Get-OabVirtualDirectory Get-OfflineAddressBook Move-AddressList Move-OfflineAddressBook New-AddressBookPolicy ...
{ List<Outlook.AddressList> addrLists = new List<Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.AddressList>(); string PR_EMSMDB_SECTION_UID = @""; if (store == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } Outlook.PropertyAccessor oPAStore = store....
email-addresses-and-address-books Commands Disable-AddressListPaging Enable-AddressListPaging Get-AddressBookPolicy Get-AddressList Get-DetailsTemplate Get-EmailAddressPolicy Get-GlobalAddressList Get-OabVirtualDirectory Get-OfflineAddressBook Move-AddressList Move-OfflineAddressBook New-AddressBookPolicy New-Addre...
This behavior may occur if multiple address lists are included as part of the Offline Address Book (OAB) generation on the server that is running Microsoft Exchange Server. This can also occur in Outlook when theWhen opening the address book, show this address list firstoption is s...
Remove-GlobalAddressList [-Identity] <GlobalAddressListIdParameter> [-Confirm] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>] 説明 このコマンドレットを実行する際には、あらかじめアクセス許可を割り当てる必要があります。 このトピックにはこのコマンドレットのすべてのパラメー...
Remove-GlobalAddressList [-Identity] <GlobalAddressListIdParameter> [-Confirm] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>] Beschreibung Bevor Sie dieses Cmdlet ausführen können, müssen Ihnen die entsprechenden Berechtigungen zugewiesen werden. Auch wenn in diesem Thema alle Para...
Hide Group email from global address list Stewart Davies Please open PowerShell ISE with Administrator. $UserCredential = Get-Credential $Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri $UserCredential ...
I have some o365 groups created though sds for classroom. The groups are private but they appear in the global address list. Is there a way to prevent this and hide them? Stewart Davies Please open PowerShell ISE with Administrator.