多形性胶质母细胞瘤glioblastomamultiforme原来称为多形性成胶质细胞瘤由于这种肿瘤的细胞形态复杂并非含有成胶质细胞以及为了避免与极性成胶质细胞瘤混淆目前广泛使用多形性胶质母细胞瘤这个名词简称胶母细胞瘤 多形性胶质母细胞瘤(glioblastomamultiforme) 【概述】 多形性胶质母细胞瘤(glioblastomamultiforme),原来称为多...
概述 胶质母细胞瘤又称多形性胶质母细胞瘤(Glioblastoma Multiforme,GBM),是星形细胞肿瘤中恶性程度最高的类型,属WHO IV级,分为原发性和继发性。占原发脑肿瘤的17%,神经上皮组织肿瘤的23%,星形胶质细胞瘤的60-75%;可发生于任何年龄阶段,以45-65岁高发,30岁以下者鲜见;男性明显高于女性。病变好发部位依次为额...
这是脑胶质瘤中最多见的,占脑胶质瘤的51.2%,本病在成人中最常见发生部位是额顶 颞叶等,儿童多发生在小脑半球 星形细胞瘤生长缓慢,病程较长,若肿瘤位于在大脑半球,其临床特点则多出现癫痫 肢体瘫痪。其实,很多病人到了复发阶段才会重视复发这个环节,但通常都为时已晚。倒是央视新闻里报道的那个“...
The meaning of GLIOBLASTOMA is a malignant rapidly growing astrocytoma of the central nervous system and usually of a cerebral hemisphere. How to use glioblastoma in a sentence.
Glioblastoma multiforme is the most common primary brain tumor of adults, as well as the most malignant. Its etiology is unknown, but the tumor is thought to arise through dedifferentiation of adult astrocytes. It occurs most frequently between the ages of 40 and 60, in men more pften than ...
Glioblastoma multiforme alters healthy tissue vasculature by inducing angiogenesis and vascular remodeling. To fully comprehend the structural and functional properties of the resulting vascular network, it needs to be studied collectively by considering both geometric and topological properties. Utilizing Single...
Optimal management of newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme includes maximal surgical resection, followed by 60 Gy of external beam radiation plus concomitant daily temozolomide and at least six additional monthly cycles of maintenance temozolomide. Several large phase 3 trials are now ongoing to ...