This story revolves around the environment, wildlife, weather, people, and the landscape of Coorg. The third story in Glimpses of India class 10 is by the authorArup Kumar Dattanamed, Tea from Assam. This story is about 2 friends who are discovering the tea gardens of Assam and are acknow...
The rest of the evening, I will do a little sewing, watch some tv with my husband and read a summary of today’s news. It’s a bit like groundhog day these days, with everything feeling a bit stagnant, but we will get through it somehow. The reality is, my family has it really,...
The illustrations above and below were both done in the winter of 1983, at the age of 21, during my first year as an exchange student in Japan. I had just learned to meditate, and the sense of calm and quiet of meditation (as well as the experience of living in Japan) profoundly inf...
giving the dolls of dead children, or the wrecks of dolls, to Kojin. Those images of the God of Calligraphy and Scholarship which are always presented as gifts to boys on the Boys’ Festival are given, when broken, to Tenjin himself, not to Kojin; at least such is the custom in ...