GLFC 4+ First of All Production Limited 4.9 • 8 个评分 免费 截屏 iPhone iPad 简介 Are you a devoted admirer of Gin Lee and her enchanting music? Do you want to immerse yourself in her world, stay updated on her latest releases, connect with fellow Gin Lee enthusiasts, and ga...
功能用途 见描述 包装规格 见描述 是否定制 是 订货号 见描述 型号 GLFC 附加功能1 见描述 省份 广东省 地市 东莞市 颜色分类 外径16长度23 内孔4-6都有 外径20长度26 内孔4-8都 主体材质 铝合金 表面处理 阳极氧化 香槟金色 额定扭矩 1-60N.m 允许转速 6500-9000 适用环境 能准确...
由几组膜片(不锈钢薄板)用螺栓交错地与两半联轴器联接,每组膜片由数片叠集而成,膜片分为连杆式和不同形状的整片式。膜片联轴器靠膜片的弹性变形来补偿所联两轴的相对位移,是一种 的金属强元件挠性联轴器,不用润油,结构较紧凑,强度高,使用寿命长,无旋转间隙,不受温度和油污影响,具有耐酸、耐碱防腐蚀的特点,适用于...
GLFC Cette app est disponible dans l’App Store uniquement pour iPhone et iPad. GLFC4+ First of All Production Limited Gratuit Captures d’écran iPhone iPad Description Are you a devoted admirer of Gin Lee and her enchanting music? Do you want to immerse yourself in her world, stay ...
GL-FC3015交换平台光纤激光切割机特点: 1. 采用进口光纤激光器,性能稳定,使用寿命可达10万小时; 2. 采用德国进口PA8000控制系统、PRECITEC激光头及自动对焦,运行稳定可靠; 3. 用瑞士进口齿条和直线导轨传动,龙门式数控机床和高强度的铸造机身,强度高,稳定性强; 4. 机床配有交换式双工作台。在一个台面切割的同时...
Shimano Fishing GLF CST 70 M Saltwater Inshore Casting [GLFC70M] 3.8 stars out of 5 reviews (3.8)|5 ratings Length: 6'9" | Power: Medium | SKU: GLFC69M, $99.99, Out of stockLength: 6'9" | Power: Medium | SKU: GLFC69M$99.99 Length: 7'0" | Power: Medium Light | SKU:...
Model: GLFC024 Golf hand cover brand: Packing quantity (piece): 0 Use sex: Suitable for weight: specification: Place of Origin: Specifications: 1) .Material:1.0mm to 15mm neoprene cotton/toweling/polyest/nylon/PP (optional) 2) .Absorbent. 3) .Compression resistant. 4).Packing: Polyb...
Model: GLFC007 glof ball hand cover brand: Packing quantity (piece): 0 Use sex: Suitable for weight: specification: Place of Origin: Specifications: 1) .Material:1.0mm to 15mm neoprene cotton/toweling/polyest/nylon/PP (optional) 2) .Absorbent. 3) .Compression resistant. 4).Packing...
GLFC - Great Lakes Forestry Centre