Gleason评分(Gleason Score)是评估前列腺癌恶性程度和预后的重要指标之一。该评分系统由美国病理学家Donald F. Gleason博士于1966年首次提出,至今已有五十余年的历史。Gleason评分通过观察前列腺癌组织切片上的癌细胞形态和排列特征,来评估癌症的侵袭性和恶性程度。Gleason评分系统将前列腺癌组织的生长模式分为5个等级,分...
( 3+4 ) 前列腺癌病人进行根治性切除术后病灶病理降级情况预测能力的初步研究 ( DOI:10.19300/j.2016.e1013 )PI -RADS version 2 for prediction of pathological down-gradingafter radical prostatectomy: a preliminary study inpatientswith biopsy -proven Gleason Score 7 (3 +4)prostate cancer ( DOI:...
有些患者的肿瘤分级大部分为3,少部分为4;有些患者的肿瘤分级大部分为4,少部分为3,两种情况相加得到的Gleason评分都为7,但是Gleason评分3+4=7的患者,往往比4+3=7的患者表现更好,预后更好。 不过,由于Gleason评分都为7,通常容易被认为是相同的预后组,这种情况可能会...
com)Abshvct : Objectiec To estab/sh and verip the clinical prebicOon moVei for pRstate cancer patients with Gleason score 7.Methofs A RtRspective search was conducted on the information of prostate cancer patients with Gleason 7 diagnosed for the first timein the SEER dataUase from 221 ...
临床上根据前列腺特异性抗原值(PSA)、肿瘤分期和Gleason评分(Gleason score,GS)将PCa患者分为低危组、中危组和高危组,利用GS评分系统初步预测患者的预后,指导治疗决策⑷。GS系统是1277年引入的PCx病理分级系统,已成为预测PCx 患者预后的最有力的工具⑺5],最近于2217年修订"训。然而,中度风险PCx(GS=7分)中的...
海南地区Gleason评分工7分的前列腺癌患者血清PSA和睾酮水平与预后相关性探讨 符仕宝,莫智波,肖劲逐,何书明,陈宁,徐明彬,杨杰,吴天士,彭泽椿,车宪平 Serum PSA and testosterone levels of prostate cancer with Gleason score^7in Hainan and the correlation with prognosis FU Shibao,MO Zhibo,XIAO Jinzhu,HE ...
The Gleason score is a well-established indicator of prognostic significance in patients with prostate cancer, but there is still debate about how best to treat men with a Gleason score of 7 (3+4 or 4+3) and a tertiary pattern of 5. The US International Society of Urologic Pathology has...
[2]EpsteinJI, ZelefskyMJ, SjobergDD, et al. A contemporary prostate cancer grading system: a validated alternative to the Gleason Score[J]. Eur Urol,2016,69(3):428–435. DOI: 10.1016/j.eururo.2015.06.046. [3]韩苏军,张思维,陈万青,等。 ...
[2] Epstein JI, Zelefsky MJ, Sjoberg DD, et al. A contemporary prostate cancer grading system: a validated alternative to the gleason score[J]. Eur Urol, 2016, 69(3): 428-435. DOI: 10.1016/j.eururo.2015.06.046. [3] Grogan J, Gupta R, Mahon KL, et al. Predictive value of the...
3436–3444 Upgrading Gleason score 7 and tertiary grade 5 prostate cancer is warranted The Gleason score is a well-established indica- tor of prognostic significance in patients with prostate cancer, but there is still debate about how best to treat men with a Gleason score of 7 (3+4 or 4...