Scientists have confirmed that the healthful substances found in green tea — renowned for their powerful antioxidant and disease-fighting properties — do penetrate into tissues of the eye. Their new report, the first documenting how the lens, retina, and other eye tissues absorb these substances,...
If there are no other signs of glaucoma (visual field defector optic nerve changes), then high pressures can be followed and simply observed. Most docs will, however, treat a pressure greater than 30mm Hg. Higher than normal eye pressure with no evidence of glaucoma is referred to as ocular...
Acute glaucoma must be recognized and treated as soon as possible to prevent loss of vision. Even prior to seeing an ophthalmologist, eye drops and other medications are often started immediately to help lower eye pressure. The ophthalmologist will usually start with laser treatment to make a new...
It seems to me that the patient that I have described represents a failure of perspective in modern medicine. The glaucoma is treated as an eye disease and changes in heart function are seen as diseases of the heart, whereas the two have an identical underlying cause, chiefly in the brain....
PCG can be present at birth, but the age of onset is often between 3-9 months. Unlike most other types of glaucoma, PCG is aggressive and can cause severe damage throughout the eye. Babies with PCG have developmental abnormalities in their eyes’ drainage systems. The abnormalities lead to...
Other eye conditions that may result from inflammation are dry eyes, retinol degeneration, conjunctivitis, astigmatism and other vision problems. This is why individuals with severe inflammation in the body often experience deterioration in their eyesight and are more prone to eye problems. ...
a condition of elevated fluid pressure within the eyeball, causing damage to the eye and progressive loss of vision. [1635–45; < Greekglaúkōmaopacity of the eye lens, derivative of glaukoûn to have such an opacity (derivative of glaukós; seeglaucous)] ...
occurs in babies when there is incorrect or incomplete development of the eye’s drainage canals during the prenatal period. This is a rare condition that may be inherited. When uncomplicated, microsurgery can often correct the structural defects. Other cases are treated with medication and surgery...
Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article Haefliger, I., Fleischhauer, J. & Flammer, J. In glaucoma, should enthusiasm about neuroprotection be tempered by the experience obtained in other neurodegenerative disorders?. Eye 14, 464–472 (2000).
potential drug interactions, be sure to tell your doctor about any other medical problems you have or other medications you take. Also, let them know if it’s hard for you to follow a plan involving two or three eyedrops or if they have side effects. They may be able to change your ...