Bluelight,orHEVlight,isacolorinthevisiblelightspectrumthatthehumaneyecansee.Asashortwavelength,itproduceshigheramountsofenergy.Theeyescannoteffectivelyfilterbluelightasopposedtoothertypesoflight,soitmaypassthroughtheeyetotheretina. Blokz®lensesarecraftedwithanadvancedbluelightblockingpolymerthatfiltersbluelight,ensur...
NT$370 *鏡片具備防藍光保護膜,可讓 415 至 445nm 波長之間的光線穿透率降低 ≤60%,從而阻擋 ≥40% 的藍光。 有效阻擋藍光 運用科學的力量,讓視力更健康 這款鏡片在基材中添加藍光吸收劑,確保 380–500nm 波長之間的藍光穿透率符合 EN ISO12312 標準,可有效阻擋藍光,以科學方式保護您的眼睛。 復古設計 時...
產品名稱Xiaomi 抗藍光眼鏡黑色/金色 x1 顏色黑色、金色 邊框材質SUS304 鏡片材質尼龍 產品型號HMJ06LM 產品尺寸52 x 20 x 147mm 執行標準EN ISO 12870+EN 12312-1 (鏡片藍光測試) 產品淨重17g *重量和尺寸皆為人工測量。請注意,可能會因測量技術而有些微差異。
GMG Performance is a blue light blocking glasses company. Our brand make glasses for gamers and professionals who spend a lot of time in front of a screen. Our glasses : GMG Oranos, GMG Optimizer, GMG Performer.
Block Harmful Blue Light Relieve Eye Strain Minimize Headache Improve Night Sleep How to customize your blue-light blocking glasses Step 1: Pick your favored frame below. Step 2: Select "Lens Packages" for convenience , or click "Select Lenses" for customization. ...
Blue Light Blocking Glasses Protect your eyes from harmful blue light on your screens. Shop Now The Essentials Sustainable Styles Metallics & More Latest Sunglasses Quick Start Guide Our In-house Opticians are here to guide you as well as our cutting edge technologies. How to Buy Online...
In comparison, the windshield of a car blocks out nearly 100% of UV so the photochromic blue light blocking eyeglasses do not darken much when in a car. Payne Glasses is the first eyeglasses company to offer this premier lens that is BOTH photochromic AND HEV blue light blocking!
Blue light blocking (BLB) glasses are supposed to protect eyes from the effects of short-wave length light from our smartphones, computer screens and LED lights. Given how much time we spend on our devices, using this type of glasses sounds like a smart investment, right? Elizabeth Esparaz...
Blue-light-blocking glasses are supposed to reduce the effects of short-wavelength light from our smartphones, computer screens and LED lights: namely, eye strain (疲劳) leading to poor sleep and possibly cataracts and macular degeneration (白内障和黄斑变性). They can range from under $15 all ...
livho High Tech Blue Light Glasses - Advanced 99% Blue Light Blocking Computer Glasses - Anti Eyestrain & UV Glare Protection 4.3 out of 5 stars 113,567 1 offer from$15.99 #2 Gaoye Stylish Blue Light Glasses for Woman - Computer Glasses 99% Blue Light Blocking - Lightweight TR...