美国最大求职网站Glassdoor发布2024年“最佳工作场所”(Glassdoor's Best Places To Work 2024)榜单。贝恩咨询在“美国最佳工作场所”和“英国最佳工作场所”上均名列榜首。 这份名单是基于自愿提供匿名反馈的员工的意见,他们完成了一项针对主要类别的公司评估,包括他们过去一年的工作、工作环境和雇主信息,满分为5分(1...
近日, Glassdoor 公布了2024年度“最佳雇主百强”排行榜(Glassdoor's Best Places to Work 2024)。贝恩公司今年重返首位,成为榜单成立16年以来首个六次夺得榜首、始终保持排名前四的公司。 “ 曼尼・马瑟达 Manny Maceda 贝恩公司全球总裁 在16年的时间里获得持续认可,无时无刻不在激励并提醒我们,要为我们的员...
one of the world's largest and most influential platforms for workplace insights. For the second year in a row Huron secured a position on Glassdoor’s Best Places to Work US Large list, achieving a 4.3-star rating
Sprout Social has been recognized as one of Glassdoor’s Best Places to Work in 2020. This is the third year Sprout has received this recognition.
Glassdoor used to be a great platform for job hunters to get a glimpse into the real culture/values of organisations who all claim to be great places to work. It was easy to determine the genuine from the fake ("Hey employees - please all go onto Glassdoor and give us great reviews!
Severn Trent named as one of the Top 50 Best Places to work in the UK Learn more by requesting a demo GlassDoorFrequently Asked Questions (FAQ) When was GlassDoor founded? GlassDoor was founded in 2007. Where is GlassDoor's headquarters?
We’re proud to be named in the top five of Glassdoor’s Best Places to Work in 2020 following the results of its annual awards. The job and recruiting site’s Employees’ Choice Awards are based on the anonymous feedback UK employees share on the Glassd
&&标题&&贝恩公司再次登顶 Glassdoor "2024最佳雇主100强"近日,Glassdoor发布了2024年度“最佳雇主百强”排行榜(Glassdoor's Best Places to Work 2024)。在这个备受瞩目的榜单中,贝恩公司再次荣登榜首,成为了自榜单成立以来,第一个六次夺得榜首且始终保持在前四名的企业。
employee put it in their review, “there’s so much to be thankful for.” We are grateful for the employees past and present who took the time to share their valuable feedback and experiences on Glassdoor, and for everyone whose hard work makes Sprout one of the best places to work ...
VTEX (NYSE: VTEX) provides a software-as-a-service digital commerce platform for enterprise brands and retailers. Our platform enables our customers to execute their commerce strategy, including building online stores, integrating and managing orders across channels, and creating marketplaces ...