Displace filter.The Displace filter (Filter > Distort > Displace) uses a displacement map to help you map texture onto two-dimensional objects. This is a perfect feature if you want your actual image to look shattered, as it can distort the details to create that effect. Blend modes and la...
Add anInner Shadowlayer style to theCandy Texturelayer. How to Create Christmas Tree Fir Border in Photoshop You can use thisChrstmas tree borderto frame the image. This is a PNG frame so you have to download and place in your PSD file. Don't forget to add aDrop Shadoweffect. You can...
Here are some useful tutorials on how to create realistic water reflection in Photoshop like a pro. Use a sun flare texture and add it on the mirror frame. Set the blend mode to Screen. Time to add the final and most important element of our photo manipulation. The "Alice Through the...
L_TextureAlphaBlendBitmap L_TissueEqualizeBitmap L_ToggleBitmapCompression L_TransformFile L_TranslateBitmapColor L_TrimBitmap L_TunnelBitmap L_UnderlayBitmap L_UnlockSupport L_UnsharpMaskBitmap L_UnWarp L_UpdateBitmapOverlayBits L_UpdateMagGlass L_UpdateMagGlassBitmap L_UpdateMagGlassPaintFlags...
星星背景蓝色photoshop(stars-background-blue-photoshop) 幸福是奋斗出来 4个月前 木材质地光滑清晰(wood-smooth-clear-texture) 幸福是奋斗出来 4个月前 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦肖像理论家医学科学家(albert-einstein-portrait-theoretician-physician-scientist) 幸福是奋斗出来 4个月前 山雾拂晓自然(mountain-...
Photoshop Brushes - Brusheezy is a HUGE collection of Photoshop Brushes, Photoshop Patterns, Textures, PSDs, Actions, Shapes, Styles, & Gradients to download, or share!
L_BricksTextureBitmap L_BrowseDir L_BumpMapBitmap L_CancelPlaybackWait L_CanLoadSvg L_CanvasBitmap L_ChangeBitmapCompression L_ChangeBitmapContrast L_ChangeBitmapHeight L_ChangeBitmapHue L_ChangeBitmapIntensity L_ChangeBitmapSaturation L_ChangeBitmapViewPerspective L_ChangeFromDDB L_ChangeFromDIB...