The manatee drinking water from someone washing their boat and the comaran bird that was following us. 役に立った It was a lot of fun,... Beth_H(2024年5月) It was a lot of fun, unfortunately we didn’t see anything! Larry & Erynn were super knowledgeable and ve...
theme park) and the glass-bottom boat tour was not unlike the interest that Space Shuttle launches and IMAX movies possess for many tourists today. During the nascent days of Florida's budding tourism industry, in the late 1870s, Phillip Morell invented the glass-...
I love kayaking and thought a clear bottom boat would be a fun way to experience the water in Anna Maria. Our tour guides were extremely nice, however, the water was very low and you could not see anything under the boat except the 続きを読む ホストからの返信(2024年...