A year ago next week, Bob Gould, who was then leader of the Glasgow City Council, gathered up his agenda and minutes, kicked back his chair and stormed out of a heated meeting of the local authority’s Labour group. He was 61 years old, with a shock of white hair. His normal manner...
Wheatley Group has around 14,000 homes, mostly in high-rise flats in Glasgow, which use electric storage systems for heating and hot water. The housing, care and property-management group is increasingly using renewable generation technology such as zero-carbon district heating schemes, air source...
The principal and vice-chancellor of the University of Glasgow discusses the economics of higher education
The economistE F Schumacher, who identified that investment in the distribution and accessibility of “appropriate technologies” was the best way to stimulate and support development in a way that gave rise to the broadest possible opportunities for people to be successful. The architectKelvin Campbel...
This trend gives rise to the notion of city-regional governance in nation-states [31]. In this paper, 'smartness' should be taken as an outcome of regional urban transformations in governance. This reconciles seeming contradictions between established growth agendas and a rising concern with a ...