BUN-Creatinine Ratio Does What Glasgow-Blatchford or Other Prediction Scores Do Not: Predicts High-Risk Lesions and Endoscopic Intervention for Non-Variceal Upper GI Bleed: 153Gulati, AbhishekNathan, RohitKumar, AnandIyer, HarishKatz, Philip
The Glasgow-Blatchford Bleeding Score (GBS) stratifies upper GI bleeding patients who are 'low-risk' and candidates for outpatient management.
The validity of our study was calculated using and comparing with the Oliver Blatchford's study. We created our risk scale basing on the data from the patients files and the clinical examinations-hemoglobin levels, BUN, pulse rate, systolic blood pressure, presence of syncope, melena, liver ...
Bun-creatinine ratio does what glasgow-blatchford or other prediction scores do not: Predicts high-risk lesions and endoscopic intervention for non-variceal upper GI bleedA., GulatiR., NathanA., KumarH., IyerP., Katz
The United Kingdom (UK) has developed a scoring system, the Glasgow-Blatchford b leeding score (GBS), which accurately predicts which patients are low-risk for 7-day complications and can have an outpatient evaluation. The objective of this study is to evaluate the usefulness of the GBS in...