trichomes to 2 mm, glandular; petiole 2-10(-15) mm; leaf blade lanceolate, elliptic, [...] 基部和最下茎生把疏生留给密被短柔毛,单的具在2毫 米 ,具 腺; 叶柄2 -10(-15)毫米; 叶片披针形,椭圆形,或长圆形,(0.7-)1.5-4.5(-6)厘米 * (1.5-)3-10(-15)毫米,基部...
The effect ofglandulartrichomes may depend on the nature of the exudate. 具腺毛状体的影响依赖于分泌物的性质. 辞典例句 At higher magnification , the enlarged prostate hasglandularhyperplasia. 增生前列腺的腺体增生. 互联网 A previous Pap smear with an unexplainedglandularabnormality. ...
The pituitary gland secretes in bursts: appraising the nature of glandular secretory impulses by simultaneous multiple-parameter dec... Probing essential oil biosynthesis and secretion by functional evaluation of expressed sequence tags from mint glandular trichomes....
2. The effect of glandular trichomes may depend on the nature of the exudate .具腺毛状体的影响依赖于分泌物的性质。 3. Much of the work on glandular hairs was done with the solanaceae .许多关于有腺体柔毛的研究都是用茄科植物进行的。 4. The purely mechanical effect of glandular trichome exud...
This text reports the tracks of studying to the shape and density of gland trichomes for 11 different genotype of flue﹣cured tobacco in mature period. 为提供优质烤烟新品种选育中提高香气质和香气量的依据,对中国11个烤烟品种定型叶片的腺毛密度和在成熟过程变化的规律进行了跟踪研究。 更多例句>> 6...
任何麻迪菊属有树脂腺的植物;北美西部和南美。 26、The effect of glandular trichomes may depend on the nature of the exudate.具腺毛状体的影响依赖于分泌物的性质。 glandular翻译a. 腺的, 含腺的, 天生的, 固有的, 肉体的【医】 腺的 详情