The morphogenesis of skin glands in the larval axolotl is described at the light microscope level. The glands are derived from the epidermis, but are eventually located in the dermis. The glands are non-randomly arranged within the skin and the spacing pattern tends towards a hexagonal array...
Polyps resulting from Brunner's gland hyperplasia are typically small (<1 cm) and characterized by lobules of glands that are increased in both size and number. The lobules extend into the lamina propria and are separated by delicate fibrous septa (Fig. 18-2A). Cystically dilated ducts and g...
testis, and adrenal cortex, arise from a region of the embryo known as the urogenital ridge. There are also several glands that arederivedfrom cells that originate in multiple regions of the embryo. For example, thepituitary glandis composed of cells from the nervous system and thedigestive ...
Figure 11.5.From left to right levels 1, 2 and 3 of the larynx that are produced from the trimming protocol outlined above. View chapterExplore book Proceedings of the 18th ICAR David K.Meyerholz, inTheriogenology, 2016 3.8Mucociliary clearance ...
All glands in the body, such as salivary glands and the pancreas, are derived from which type of tissue? a. Epithelial. b. Connective. c. Muscle. d. Nervous. e. Secretory. Fill in the blank: The ___ tonsils are the lymphatic tissues located at the end of the n...
derived molecules (for example, prolactin) and those synthesized elsewhere. The intimate and unique relationship between the adipose microenvironment and the mammary epithelium raises the question as to whether these adipocytes are functionally different from those in other body depots.[1][2][10][14]...
Apocrine sweat glands, usually associated with hair follicles, are concentrated in the underarms and genital region.───顶浆分泌汗腺通常与毛囊相连, 主要集中于腋下和外阴部. 英语使用场景 Still, although your paws are covered with sweat glands, you might like to walk around on the damp grass fi...
Comparative transcriptomics of aphid species that diverged > 22 MYA reveals genes that are important for the maintenance of their symbiosis Article Open access 01 April 2023 Salivary proteins potentially derived from horizontal gene transfer are critical for salivary sheath formation and other feeding ...
Different transcripts are discriminated by their 3′-most tags and expression levels estimated with higher accuracy than could be achieved by random RNA-Seq [52]. Sequencing more than 5 million tags from each of four libraries (two made from MA glands and two from cephalothoraxes) resulted in...
Uterine glands are essential for pregnancy establishment. By employing forkhead box A2 (FOXA2)-deficient mouse models coupled with leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) repletion, we reveal definitive roles of uterine glands in embryo implantation and stromal