Connect with Glander International Bunkering - leading fuel and lubricant supplier for the international shipping industry.
Connect with Glander International Bunkering - leading fuel and lubricant supplier for the international shipping industry.
Connect with Glander International Bunkering - leading fuel and lubricant supplier for the international shipping industry.
Connect with Glander International Bunkering - leading fuel and lubricant supplier for the international shipping industry.
法汉-汉法词典 提示: 点击查看 glander 的动词变位 v. i. 1. [ ] 混, 遛达, 逛 2. 白等: laisser glander qn 让某人白等 3. <口>无所事事, 虚度阴 vt. 做, 干法 语助手 近义、反义、派生词典 近词: paresser 词: bosser 联想词 ...
glander音标:[glɑ̃de] 添加到生词本 法汉-汉法词典 v. i. 1. [民]闲混, 遛达, 闲逛 2. 白等: laisser glander qn 让某人白等 3. <口>无所 , 光阴 vt. 做, 干法 语助手 近义、反义、派生词典 近义词: paresser 反义词: bosser ...
We provide fuel and lubricant solutions for naval fleets around the world. We deliver competitive pricing and on time delivery by assuring the bunker quality with our experienced team.
'Glander' 可能指代瑞典模特兼网红 Desiré Inglander,她是撑杆跳高运动员阿曼德·杜普兰蒂斯(Armand Duplantis)的伴侣。以下为具体信息: 个人背景与职业 Desiré Inglander 来自瑞典,活跃于时尚与社交媒体领域。她的职业生涯以模特工作为主,同时通过社交平台分享生活动态,积累了大量粉丝。其...
laisser glander qn 让某人白等3. <口>无所事事, 虚度阴 vt. 做, 干 近义、反义、派生词典 近义词:paresser 反义词:bosser 联想词 bosser,动;bouffer贪婪地吃,大吃;boulot活儿,活计;dormir睡,睡觉;flâner闲逛,闲荡;traîner拖,拉,曳;chier拉屎, 大便;foutre做,干:给;tranquillement平静地, 安稳地;...
"Glander" 的翻譯 Q:glander passer du temps aglander. thanks用 英語 (美國) 要怎麼說? A:You can use "to fart around" or "to loaf about". In the US, there is also "putz". For example, "I spent all day just putzing around." ...