sweat gland- any of the glands in the skin that secrete perspiration sudoriferous gland cutis,skin,tegument- a natural protective body covering and site of the sense of touch; "your skin is the largest organ of your body" duct gland,exocrine,exocrine gland- a gland that secretes externally ...
oil gland- a gland that secretes oil sudoriferous gland,sweat gland- any of the glands in the skin that secrete perspiration lachrymal gland,lacrimal gland,tear gland- any of the glands in the eyes that secrete tears pancreas- a large elongated exocrine gland located behind the stomach; secret...
Medical Encyclopedia </>embed</> hair follicle integumentary... Montgomery's... tarsal gland Meibomian gland oil gland sebaceous fol... glandulae seb... sebaceous... noun Synonyms for sebaceous gland nouna cutaneous gland that secretes sebum (usually into a hair follicle) for lubricating hair...
The meaning of APOCRINE GLAND is a gland and especially a sweat gland that secretes a viscous fluid into a hair follicle (as in the armpit or groin), is lined with a single layer of usually columnar cells, and typically does not become active until puber
1. An additional (usually smaller) gland that secretes the same substances as a primary gland. 2. A gland secreting substances that enhance the function of another gland or organ. In the male reproductive tract, for example, the prostate, which secretes fluids that improve the viability of spe...
What is the gland that regulates metabolism?Endocrine Glands:The endocrine system is often called ductless system since the components of these body organ/gland system secretes its secretions directly into the circulation. Some examples are the pituitary gland, adrenal gland, and so on....
nouna gland that secretes externally through a duct Synonyms exocrine exocrine gland Related Words gland secreter secretor secretory organ oil gland sudoriferous gland sweat gland lachrymal gland lacrimal gland tear gland pancreas bulbourethral gland Cowper's gland cervical glands cervical glands of the...
noun ˈgland :a cell or group of cells that makes and secretes a product (as saliva, sweat, bile, or shell) for further use in or for elimination from the plant or animal body Medical Definition gland noun ˈgland 1 :a cell, group of cells, or organ of endothelial origin that sel...
ciliary sweat gland's See glands of Moll.conjunctival gland Any gland that secretes a substance into the conjunctiva, such as the lacrimal, meibomian, Krause and Wolfring glands or a goblet cell.gland's of Henle These are not really glands. They are folds in the mucous membrane of the ...
What gland makes epinephrine and norepinephrine, which cause the fight or flight response? It also secretes aldosterone, which affects the body's osmotic balance, and cortisol, which promotes glucose synthesis. Which one is part of the endocrine system? A) pituitary gland B) sweat gland C) tear...