The song is on the upcoming album Black Light / White Noise. To be honest, this one is more of a miss for me. I am still hopeful for the new record because you know I love Kotzen. I just don't like the way his voice blends with Smith's on this record. I've seen lots of ...
Well, in addition to some classic songs by Eno, Roxy and T. Rex, you get some nifty original (then) new songs performed by the aforementioned 90s artists written in the style of the aforementioned 70s artists. These 90s artists also do some choice covers of choice 70s gla...
” which is part of the album’s emotional finale and on par with the best of traditional/true school indie hip-hop. Over the bouncy “Light it Up” Von Meister embarks on the pursuit of “new flights, new sights, new heights / more reason to write and rock mics / Though I struggle...
Sleaze rock band L.A. Guns on their 2004 covers album Rips the Covers Off. WikiMatrix Algunos de estos grupos, como Shadows Fall, tienen cierto aprecio por el glam metal de los años 80. A few of these groups, like Shadows Fall, have some appreciation for 1980s glam metal. ...
Any discussion of glam is incomplete with discussion of how the genre bent gender, at least on an aesthetic level. As Thugonce said, “Every time I dress myself, it go motherfucking viral.” Hewears dresses on album coversandtells Calvin Klein that he doesn’t believe in gender. Much ha...