portal的最终剧情glados的独白(Thefinalportalstorygladosmonologue) GLaDOS(遗传生命磁盘操作系统,基因生命体及磁片操作系统,由艾伦麦克莱恩配音) 你找到我了,恭喜! 值得吗?因为你暴力相待,到目前为止破碎的只有我的心。 也许你可以到此为止,今天就这样吧。
Caroline, currently known as the Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System, or GLaDOS for short, is the main antagonist of the Portal series. She is a highly calculating and callous artificial intelligence that oversees the test facility of Aperture Sci
Don’t expect a lot of story from Bridge Constructor Portal. You’re a new employee at the Aperture Science Enrichment Center, and it’s up to you to guide vehicles through a series of elaborate test chambers using your bridge-building skills. GLaDOS is back, as is the Portal series’ ...