The show was picked up domestically in 1999, mainly due to the success of the Springbok Challenge series. The show began by touring South Africa with a special 'Beach Gladiators' format to help advertise the first series. The first four series were presented by Glenn Hicks and Ursula Stapelfel...
Gladiators has become a global phenomenon, with local versions of the show produced across the world. Originally created in the United States in 1989, the show has since been adapted for broadcasters in numerous countries, including Finland, Australia, Japan, South Africa, Nigeria, Sweden, Denmark...
Outside of the United Kingdom, versions of Gladiators have been filmed in the United States of America, Finland, Japan, Australia, South Africa, Sweden, Nigeria, and Denmark. However, Russia, Germany, and the Bahamas would also compete in international shows. Join us as we celebrate over 30...
Name: Tina Andrew Born: 1 July 1972 - Johannesburg, South Africa Age: 52 years old Star Sign: Cancer Height: 1.88m Weight: 70kg Theme Tune: Killer Queen (Queen)Laser, originally from South Africa, was working as a secretary in Reading, England when she saw the Gladiators show on TV ...
Gold Gold is originally from South Africa where she struck gold in the 400 metres as a 21 year old, and was also strong in the 4x400 metres relay. Gold is an adventurer and has climbed Table Mountain in Cape Town, she would like to do it again and hang-glide from the top. In ...
Fox was part of the UK international team that competed against South Africa in the Springbok Challenge 2000. She was voted toughest Gladiator by the production team and impressed the producers so much that they signed her up for their next domestic series. Fox moved to South Africa, and with...