Chief Mountain — Elizabeth Lake — Glenns Lake — Stoney Indian Lake — Fifty Mountain — Granite Park — Logan Pass Day 5: Helen Lake,手机拍摄 Belly River Trail — Stoney Indian Pass — Watertown Valley — Highline Trail Day5: Sue Lake, 手机拍摄 如果有人觉得冰川国家公园的风景不好,一定...
Day1. 到达,超市采购,住公园西门外的Kalispell Day2. 清晨去 Logan Pass 抢车位,上午走『Hidden Lake Overlook Trail』,下午走『Avalanche Lake Trail』(或者去『Lake McDonald』 划船) Day3. 清晨出发,走『Highline Trail』,结束后从东门离开公园,住东边的Many Glacier Hotel最佳 Day4. 走『Grinnell Glacier T...
小星和林蔓的老公张弛更是结下了深厚的兄弟情谊,回到 LA 后依然念念不忘 —— 拍照当然是更省心了,小星在整个旅途里相机都没有拿起来过,全都是林蔓在拍。空气清透,阳光明媚,风景优美,心情也亮晶晶的,出片率也非常高,我们一路走着玩儿着拍着,咔咔咔10分钟一套片。出门前没有时间好好整理行囊,带了一箱子衣...
1. 冰河国家公园(GlacierNational Park)素有“洛矶山脉上的皇冠”美称,峥嵘险峻的雪峰冰河,以及美不胜收的湖光山色,的确像皇冠上珍珠一般炫丽耀目,绝不比知名的黄石国家公园或加拿大落矶山脉逊色。 2. 冰川国家公园(GlacierNational Park)主要分三部分:横穿公园的Going-To-The-SunRoad、ManyGlacier & Swiftcurrent ...
结果1 题目 Glacier National Park in Montana shares boundaries with Canada, an American Indian reservation, and a national forest. Along the North Fork of the Flathead River, the park also covers about 17, 000 acres of private lands that are currently used for ranching(牧场)and agriculture. ...
Montana Glacier National Park…最喜欢的美国国家公园之一,这次培训后又找机会在里面hiking了一天。坡下50米是大角羊,上面100米是mountain goat,坐在中间吃饼干喝咖啡,风都变温暖了 û收藏 1 2 ñ22 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......
Day 0 Seattle出发 开车至Spokane落脚 游览Spokane市内的Manito Park和Waterfront Park 傍晚前往Steptoe Butte看初秋金色麦田和日落 返回Spokane住宿 Day 1 Spokane 7am出发 开车近4.5hrs到West Glacier,到中部地区有+1h时差,实际到达的当地时间已是午后 开车游览Going to the Sun Road,由西往东经停以下地点 ...
冰川国家公园旅游攻略指南,携程攻略社区! 靠谱的旅游攻略平台,12月最佳的冰川国家公园(Glacier National Park)自助游、自由行、自驾游、跟团旅、出游、游玩线路,海量冰川国家公园旅游景点图片、游记、交通、酒店、美食、购物、玩乐、行程、指南等旅游攻略信息,了解更多
结果1 题目 Glacier National Park is popular with tourists. Patti, a grandmother who lives near the park, noticed that there were many speeding cars on the road. “Drivers always forget to slow down. Many people in my community are unhappy with the traffic. They can’t walk or ride a ...
Glacier NP地处Montana州的北部,与加拿大的Waterton Lakes National Park接壤,由于距离最近的大城市Seattle开车需要八个半小时,所以位于它西面的Kalispell小镇成为抵达Glacier NP的不二选择。这里的机场直接就命名为Glacier Park International Airport(代号FCA),不过虽然名字里有international,听起来很唬人,但实际上是一个只有...