Queclink GL505 is a product designed for high-value static asset tracking. It features up to 5-years of standby time. It has an IPX7 waterproof casing. It's designed to be easily and quickly installed with either spikes or an optional magnetic holder kit. The GL505 has internal GSM and ...
The GL505 is a product designed for high-value static asset tracking. It features up to 5-year standby time meaning that fit and forget installation leaves users safe in the knowledge that the product will continue to monitor the asset over a long period. Furthermore, its robust waterproof ...
4D-31 拉手GL505系列(door pulls) 该系列分为拉手GL505-96-BK、拉手GL505-96-CP、拉手GL505-128-BSN,是简约把手中的翘楚,流畅的线条中流露出现代的气息,是家具把手中的经典系列。 This product is divided into three styles: GL505-96-BK, GL505-96-CP and handle GL505-128-BSN. It is a classic ...
1. Up to 5-Year Standby Time Experience unparalleled peace of mind with the GL505’s exceptional 5-year standby time. This impressive battery life ensures a seamless fit-and-forget installation. This also allows users to set up the tracker and trust it to diligently monitor their high-value...
Additional Info Brand:Queclink Model:GL505 Target Market:Track & Trace, Vehicle recovery, Fleet Management GSM band:Full quadband Voice:No Back up Battery:Yes Internal Memory:Yes Communication method:TCP, UDP Position by:Time Sleep mode:Yes ...
GL505系列重型推拉门 您的位置:首页»产品中心»门窗系列»创高GL门窗系列 prevnext 咨询热线:0757-66695200 产品详情 联系我们 5A级产品 A级品牌--“兴发牌”、中国驰名商标、国际质量之星钻石奖、中国建筑铝型材二十强企业、军工质量管理体系认证产品、40年专业生产铝型材经验 ...
产品名称:GL-505A 变压器损耗参数测试仪(5.7寸彩屏) 产品型号:GL-505A 产品展商:徐吉 产品文档:无相关文档简单介绍 变压器损耗参数测试仪(空负载测试仪)是我公司研发人员专门针对**电力用户偷逃基本电费、私自增容问题而研发设计的新型仪器,是专门用于特性参数测量的高精密仪器。本产品采用彩色大屏幕液晶显示器...
亲,您好!很高兴回答您的问题!505Gl锁芯怎么拆下来视频:1、取下内外两个拉手面板及屋内拉手面板上的螺丝。2、拧松屋内锁芯帽上的螺丝,拆除内外锁芯帽。3、拧松门的侧面和锁舌中间,与锁芯同一高度的螺丝,即锁芯定位螺丝,锁芯拆卸结束。 ...
I get gl error 0x505 (out of memory) when drawing elements for seemingly no reason. I have a lot of free GPU memory when this happens. Eventually, aftor a lot of this errors i get this crash: Please help. ...