LIQUI MOLY Hypoid Gear Oil (GL5) SAE 80W-90 是一种基于矿物油的齿轮油,适用于经过验证的传动技术的汽车。它确保组件在极端工作条件下和在大温度波动下都能完美运行。此油保持稳定的润滑膜,提供高度可靠的润滑性和最佳的耐磨保护。 以下是该产品的特点和应用: 批准和规格: API GL5 MIL-L 2105 C/2105 ...
Hypoid Gear Oil GL5 LS SAE 85W-90 雙曲線限滑差速器齒輪油 產品編號: LM1410 建議售價: $1,100 元 (不含工資) 專用於極端環境的高品質雙曲線齒輪油。特別為車軸使用的有限滑差速器開發。嚴選的添加劑提供優異的極壓性,可改變離合器片的摩擦係數,可以有效防止黏滑跟抖動,是一款高性能的齒輪油。
Bel-ray Raylene GL-5 Hypoid Gear Oil 80W-90/85W-140 收藏获取报价 CAM2 BLUE BLOOD 80W-90 LS GEAR OIL GL-5 1 QT/瓶 ,CAM2 Blue Blood SAE 80W-90 LS Gear Oil 是一种具有限滑性能的极压齿轮润滑油。具有出色的防锈和防腐蚀性能,并含有抑制泡沫的添加剂,提供优异的氧化抗性和热稳定性。 原装进口...
壳牌Spirax S2 A 80W-90可廣泛應用於重負載條件下運轉的各類車輛傳軸動軸。 應用 * 速變速箱,差動動器 * 固定式和移動動式設備中的重型負載齒輪組 * 重載雙曲線驅動軸(Hypoid Gear) * 與引擎分開的摩托車齒輪 * 其他高速/重載載,高速速/低扭力,低速速/高扭扭力情況下運轉的車輛傳動系統。 性能表現 *複合...
RED LINE HIGH-PERFORMANCE GEAR OIL is a fully-synthetic formula blended with ester base stocks for shear stability, less gear noise and more consistent viscosity in warm and cold temperatures. Extreme pressure (EP) additives allow for use with hypoid gears and friction modifiers are included for ...
Synthetic vehicle gear oil 75W-90: 2L4L , 80W-90: 4L18L , 85W-90: 4L18L , 85W-140: 4L18L Norm:Standard Specification Conform:Standards compliant High-quality gear lubricants with excellent performance American Parker Petroleum enhanced formula production is a high-quality gear lubricant special...
RAVENOL Getriebeoel SLS SAE 75W-140 GL 5 LSis a high-performance transmission oil for maintaining manual transmissions and rear axles in many popular vehicles. Also suitable for highly stressed hypoid axle gears as well as spur- and bevel gears, change gears in vehicles and work machines, and...
in particular on hypoid gear surfaces of passenger cars and all other vehicles, so that the extreme pressure abrasive resistance of the novel gear oil forthe weight-load motor is greatly improved, the fault occurrence rate is reduced, and the service life of a differential, a gear box and a...
75W90NS GL-5 Gear Oil Products Why Red Line? Motorsports Where To Buy Find Products For My Vehicle Search See your shopping cart 0 NS means non-slip, for transaxles that need hypoid-protection and smooth shifting Check Compatibility Didn't Find Your Vehicle?
Development of a Laboratory Hypoid Gear Spalling Test[C]. SAE 973252. [5] T E Hayden. The Fuel Additive/Lubricant Interactions: Compatibility Assessments in Field Studies and Laboratory Tests[C]. SAE 2001-01-1962. [6] A K Gangopadhyay. The Effect of Engine Oil Drain Interval on Valvetrain...