《GL10-1600END数字输入模块用户手册》.pdf,2 3 During installation Product Information WARNING ◆ Installation must be carried out by the specialists who have received the necessary electrical training and ■ Model and Nameplate understood enough electrica
19010751-SC_A01(19010751《GL10-1600END数字输入模块用户手册》)20190603.pdf,2 3 注意■ 外部接口 ♦ 安装时避免金属屑和电线头掉入控制器的通风孔内,这有可能引起火灾、故障、误操作; ♦ 安装后保证其通风面上没有异物,否则可能导致散热不畅,引起火灾、故障
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汇川《GL10-1600END数字量输入模块用户手册》-英文.pdf,2 3 During installation Product Information WARNING ◆ Installation must be carried out by the specialists who have received the necessary electrical training and ■ Model and Nameplate understood enoug