First check in RSA3 if the balances match, which they should. You would need to check if some data is missing/corrupt in BW. Run FS10N with selections on Comp Code and a Fiscal year and check the data with BW. See if all the debits/credits for periods in the transaction reflect in ...
When we give posting date & profit center in selection parameters for a GL account , program is not giving the list of open items , rather it is giving dump . SAP version is SAP 7.3 Version (ERP6 EHP6 ) and document splitting based on profit center is in place . In the GL line ite...
If we are using document splitting then Profit center need to assign with GL account, Default profit center will be assigned in customization of financial accounting. Default Cost center may save in Tcode: OKB9. We cannot add these objects in TRM. Conclusion I tried to...
SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) I am trying to clear the line items of a balance sheet gl account ( short term general liabilities) using t.code F-03.This gl account is specified as "open item Management" and line item display in the GL Master. The problem is that when I try to ...
SAP 准备工作 创建消息类 SE91 财务凭证确认 概述 通过OB28创建。 Validation,翻译为确认或者有效性检查。 凭证的确认有三个调入点:凭证头、凭证行、整个凭证。 有效性检查相关Tcode: OB28:AP/AR/GL,最常用财务凭证校验,校验最后都会反应在财务模块。 OAZ1:AM Posting。 GCVW:Global Validation(In SPL,Company...
ASSET_VALUE_DATE_T: StringField<SpecialGlCodeResults> = ... Defined in packages/vdm/trial-balance-service/SpecialGlCodeResults.ts:1546 Static representation of the assetValueDateT property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'selec...
Defined in packages/vdm/trial-balance-service/SpecialGlCodeResults.ts:1367 Optional alternativeGlAccountT alternativeGlAccountT: null | string Defined in packages/vdm/trial-balance-service/SpecialGlCodeResults.ts:1368 Optional assetDepreciationArea assetDepreciationArea: null | str...
T code: FAGLGA35 Click on sender Click on receiver Amount gets distributed in 50:50 ratio between the profit centers Display of document FB03. since its the distribution, not assessment therefore, the same account gets debit an credit
2. GL Documents Process 总帐凭证录入2.1 Enter G/L account document 创建总帐凭证(即录入总帐凭证)T 12、RANSACTION CODE:FB50事务 菜单路径:FB50SAP menu>Accounting>Financial Accounting>General Ledger >Document Entry > FB50步骤描述(一级)描述(次级)输入内容备注1Basic dataDocument Date(业务发生日期)开票...
mengzhinan / gson mezipstream / gson mgamio / gson mhourousha / gson miabanana / gson Michael-LLD / gson MichaelEvans / gson michel-t-86 / gson micki-zhou / gson MicroAnswer / gson microjixl / gson Microsamp / gson Milstein / gson ...