The order (resp. technical fieldnames in table ACDOCA) of the currencies might change during the migration from Classic or New GL, as the the currency type of the controlling are will determine the second currency (fieldname KSL), but the compatibility view for classic or New GL garantuee th...
The order (resp. technical fieldnames in table ACDOCA) of the currencies might change during the migration from Classic or New GL, as the the currency type of the controlling are will determine the second currency (fieldname KSL), but the compatibility view for classic or New GL garantuee th...
SAP comes with two tax types: A for output tax and V for input tax. You can access these tax types by using the match code or search function that appears when you click on the Output tax clearing field. The next step is to check the defaulted specifications in the system for your ...
Here is a list of important 1197 transaction codes used with SAP FI-GL component (SAP General Ledger Accounting in FI) coming under SAP FI Module. You will get more technical details of each of these SAP FI-GL tcodes by clicking on the respective tcode name link.FG...
In that field check for attribute Value In your case the webdynpro will be /SAPSRM/WDC_UI_DO_ACC Search help Name is : C_SAKNR Please try to put a break point in the search help exit and see if it works for you .. If you want to make changes to the existing search help you...
Advanced proficiency in SAP FI New General Ledger Bachelor's Degree in relevant field of studies A minimum of 2 years of experience in relevant related skills BONUS POINTS IF YOU HAVE: Advanced proficiency in Application Design Advanced proficiency in Requirements Analysis ...
ForDoc.typeoptionchooseEntrywithshortname 在‘凭证类型选项’选择‘带短名称显示’ Presstosave.按下以作保存。 Presstoreturntotheentryscreen按返回凭证输入屏幕。 1.4.2ENTERINGSPECIALPOSTINGS特殊凭证过帐 FromtheDoc.typefield,pressonorF4todisythelistoftypes 从‘凭证类型’字段里,按下或F4去显示凭证类型的列表...
1. make sure the technical name of the field you added is, same from BSEG table. 2. make sure BSEG table is populated for the field you are adding. 3. If you are trying in BI side, make sure you replicate datasource 4. I would always check in RSA3 first to make sure ECC/R3 ...
fieldName: string The name of the custom field Returns any The value of the corresponding custom field getCustomFields getCustomFields(): MapType<any> Inherited from OperationalAcctgDocItemCube.getCustomFields Defined in node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/entity.d.ts:49 R...
[keys: string]: Field<GlAccount> Static _serviceName _serviceName: string = "API_GRMASTERDATA_SRV" Overrides EntityBase._serviceName Defined in packages/vdm/group-reporting-master-data-service/GlAccount.ts:21 deprecated Since v1.0.1 Use _defaultServicePath instead....