In this folder you can find a sub-folder named Account Codes. From this folder add Expense Type Name and then Account Code 1. This should show you a list of expense types with their GL codes. Thank you,KevinSAP Concur Community Manager Did this response answer your question? Be sure ...
Check to enable permanent hiding of message bar and refuse all cookies if you do not opt in. We need 2 cookies to store this setting. Otherwise you will be prompted again when opening a new browser window or new a tab. Click to enable/disable essential site cookies. ...
Concur Expense Forum SAP-Concur GL accounts extract Options iqbal_bhat Occasional Member - Level 2 Feb 18, 2020 09:46 PM SAP-Concur GL accounts extract Hi All, could some walk me through with the GL accounts extractions? we wanted to see what GL codes have been assigned in the ...
G/L account creation and related activities (e.g. "activation" of that account to various Company codes) are done by the FI consultant (and Master data maintenance team). Thus for creation of new G/L accounts and related table entries, post this question in the FI forum. From an SD pe...
工程部門成功取得 SAP Hybris 認證資格 May 04 , 2023 A.S. Watson Tech Partner Summit 2022 Nov 30 , 2022 持續關懷社會弱勢 新創資旅攜手在一起實踐「ESG、CSR」 Sep 28 , 2022 Contact 台北辦公室 / Taipei Office臺北市信義區基隆路1段206號18樓18F., No. 206, Sec. 1, Keel...
Technically you can post any cost center to a GL Account, as both exist in the same company codes and both master data objects are free for posting. That said, lot of customers create their own validation rules to restrict what GL Accounts can be used with a specific cost center. This ...
Here is a list of important 1197 transaction codes used with SAP FI-GL component (SAP General Ledger Accounting in FI) coming under SAP FI Module. You will get more technical details of each of these SAP FI-GL tcodes by clicking on the respective tcode name link.FG...
The usage of the group account number offers the advantage that by specifying a number, a group of accounts can be assigned immediately to the balance sheet or P+L item.If a balance sheet or P+L structure is to be defined which is to be...
GMCOA related transaction codes under SAP package GMMASTERDATA_E GMCLASS : GM Sponsored Class Master Data GMPRAUTH : Program Authorization Groups GM_BP_ACC_1 : Account Group Assignment GM_PAYMENT_RULE : Maintain payment rules S_ALN_01000161 : Master Data Index for Grant Sponsors ...
6,258 SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) Dear Gurus, How to findout Spl GL codes at company code level, I know that it will be at Client level. But where can we see at company code level?Know the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. Answer Need more details? Request clari...