SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance), FIN Accounts Receivable and Payable, FIN General Ledger ftxp-config-screen-shot.png table-bset-screenshot.png bseg-screen-shot.png Hi All, As per our requirement, the Tax mount should be post to different GL account (Not as per FTXP config GL) based on...
Defined in node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/odata-common/entity.d.ts:53 Returns SpecialGlCode Properties financialAccountType financialAccountType: string Implementation of SpecialGlCodeType.financialAccountType Defined in packages/vdm/trial-balance-service/SpecialGlCode.ts:34 ...
选择Deletion flang in company code(公司代码标记删除) 标记删除-系统将删除显示在屏幕该公司代码中的总帐账户数据。 点击Save保存。 一般不建议使用该命令 1.6Display changes of G/Laccount查询修改记录明细 TRANSACTION CODE:FS04 事务 菜单路径: FS04 SAP menu>Accounting>Financial Accounting>General Ledger >Maste...
FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT_TYPE_NAME: StringField<SpecialGlCode> = ... Defined in packages/vdm/trial-balance-service/SpecialGlCode.ts:102 Static representation of the financialAccountTypeName property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'selec...
SAP GMCOA Table Fields Here is the details of each fields in thisSAP table. You can find the discription, data type and assigned lenth of each of the fields in GMCOA table. CLIENT: Client Its a key field. Its data type is CLNT (Character with length 3) with field length 3 ...
1、SAP 凭证确认及替代目录SAP 凭证确认及替代 1准备工作 2创建消息类-专题说明 2财务凭证确认 2概述 2创建凭证有效性检查 3财务凭证有效性检查验证 7财务凭证替代 8概述 8创建财务凭证替代 8财务凭证替代验证 13结合出口 13End 14SAP 凭证确认及替代MIRO故发票校验时,如果需要对产生的会计凭证做某些字段的替代,...
Thank you very much for your answer. It really solved my problem. I was able to create a substitution in FI that uses a user exit with the same code as yours. You are really a SAP guru. Regards, Gerardo 2016 May 16 0Kudos ...
2.1 Enter G/L account document 创建总帐凭证(即录入总帐凭证) TRANSACTION CODE:FB50事务菜单路径:FB50 SAP menu>Accounting>Financial Accounting>General Ledger >Document Entry > FB5017 / 6218 / 62步描述(一级)骤1 Basic data2 Items (No entry variant selected)描述(次级)输入...
in the management operation of manufacturing systems procedures. A sound knowledge of SAP is preferred along with the ability to access, interpret explain complex operational data is required. 9.To carry out special accounting projects under the close supervision of the FSC Manager 10.Developing ...
T code: FAGLGA35 Click on sender Click on receiver Amount gets distributed in 50:50 ratio between the profit centers Display of document FB03. since its the distribution, not assessment therefore, the same account gets debit an credit