GLAccountNumberKey N/A N/A The GL account number key object that uniquely identifies the GL account number. Alias string 20 Empty The short description used to identify a GL account. Type GLAccountType N/A N/A Identifies the type of GL account. IsActive boolean N/A True Indicates whether...
數據表 『GL_Account_MSTR』 的下一個取得/變更作業適用於無效的索引鍵。原因GL00105帳戶索引主要數據表上的金鑰無效。解決方案使用下列文章中的步驟來重建GL00105表:如何在 Microsoft Dynamics GP 中重新建立帳戶索引主數據表 (GL00105) 意見反映 此頁面有幫助嗎? 是 否 提供產品意...
SKAT Table may contain morethan SKA1.but it should not be lessthan the SKA1. Because when we maitanin translations for morethan one language then we system stores data in multiple languages. for ex : G/L Account 3000010 GR/IR-clearing - external procurement (English) depends on usage we ...
This table stores the groups of accounts setup by each user to enable easy monitoring of general ledger account balances. Details Schema: FUSION Object owner: GL Object type: TABLE Tablespace: FUSION_TS_TX_DATA Primary Key NameColumns GL_ACCOUNT_GROUPS_PK ...
Solved: Hi guys, I need to extract the GL account description ( GL account long text ) for a large number of accounts. Is there any table where i can input the GL
在GL 帐户处于非活动状态时,或者在使用默认 GL 帐户过帐事务时,在子模块中,任何当前默认过帐设置都没有验证。 用户应从帐户设置、供应商帐户、客户帐户等的所有默认过帐窗口手动删除帐户。GL 帐户停用时。 如果未执行此操作,则批处理将不出错地发布到子模块中,但当它发布到 GL 时,将执行验...
Solved: Hi Experts In FS10N transaction , I want to copy as ZFS10N and make the GL Account field as disable so that no user can changed the GL account, I want to give
[5] GLIP-T released in this repo is pre-trained on Conceptual Captions 3M and SBU captions. It is referred in paper in Table 1 and in Appendix C.3. It differs slightly from the GLIP-T in the main paper in terms of downstream performance. We will release the pre-training support for...
If you do not enable the GL_USEGLU environment variable, the default GLS libraries are used, and locales are not taken into account when collating Unicode (UTF-8) characters. Requirements Usage Example 1: Create a Unicode database Example 2: Create a Unicode database that requires International...