G/L Account Description. Maximum length: 20. nullable ProtectedremoteState remoteState:{} Inherited fromOperationalAcctgDocItemCube.remoteState Defined in node_modules/@sap-cloud-sdk/core/dist/odata/common/entity.d.ts:38 The remote state of the entity. Remote state ref...
4、L Master Data Maintenance 总帐科目创建1.1 Create individual G/L account 创建总帐科目TRANSACTION CODE:FS00事务 菜单路径:FS00SAP menu>Accounting>Financial Accounting>General Ledger >Master records >Individual Processing>FS00步骤描述(一级)输入内容备注1G/L Account No(创建科目号)输入总帐科目号1资产,2负...
ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENT_CATEGORY: StringField<GlAccountTypeResults> = ... Defined in packages/vdm/trial-balance-service/GlAccountTypeResults.ts:1613 Static representation of the accountingDocumentCategory property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations suc...
An SAP general ledger account is an account that is updated each time a user posts a financial transaction in SAP system. These accounts are used to come up with financial statements for internal and external reporting. In SAP, a general ledger account is identified with a number having from ...
SAP S/4HANA, SAP S/4HANA Finance, SAP Treasury and Risk Management, FIN (Finance), FIN Treasury Hi colleagues, Each Product Type in TRM module post to Financial Accounting, Most of Product type are predefined in Latest S/4 Hana but we have to assign GL Account ...
SAP menu>Accounting>Financial Accounting>General Ledger >MasterRecords >Display Changes>FS04 输入要查询的帐号,回车可看到所做修改的历史记录。 双击需要查看的项目可查看明细。 2. GL Documents Process总帐凭证录入 2.1Enter G/L account document创建总帐凭证(即录入总帐凭证) TRANSACTION CODE:FB50 事务 菜单路...
Field Service Series Financial Analytical Accounting Bank Reconciliation Fixed Assets General Ledger A get or change next operation on table GL Account MSTR is for an invalid key Account assigned to a transaction is missing Activity for this currency already exists Add unit account totals...
1.1 Create individual G/L account 创建总帐科目 TRANSACTION CODE:FS00事务菜单路径:FS00 SAP menu>Accounting>Financial Accounting>General Ledger >Master records >Individual Processing>FS00步骤1描述(一级)输入内容G/L Account No(创建科目号) 输入总帐科目 号Company...
Error when saving operation in PM_Transaction_WORK table Error when you change account number for PURCH account type Error when you drill back to Payables Management document Error when you generate an EFT file for Payables Management Error when you post a batch in Dynamics GP ...
C# 複製 [Android.Runtime.Register("GL_OR")] public const int GlOr = 5383; Field Value Value = 5383 Int32 Attributes RegisterAttribute Applies to 產品版本 .NET for Android .NET for Android API 33, .NET for Android API 34