FI03 - Maintain GL Account Master Datafieldstatusvariant的作用item都有很多的字段field可供輸入但并不是每家公司都用得上這么多字段所以為簡化輸入sapvariant規定這種類型的variant什么字段是必輸的mandatory什么字段是可輸也可不輸的optional什么字段是隱藏的...
Can we still use the classic way of managing Bank G/L accounts by creating it as a Balance sheet account in S4HANA public cloud solution ? Or do we need to use new GL account type - Cash Account mandatorily for creating bank G/L accounts ? Is there any roadmap by SAP to remove the...
1.GL Master Data Maintenance总帐科目创建 1.1 Create individual G/L account创建总帐科目 1.2 Change individual G/L account修改总帐科目 1.3 Display individual G/L account查询总帐科目 1.4Block individual G/L account锁住总帐科目 1.5Delete individual G/L account删除总帐科目 ...
4、L Master Data Maintenance 总帐科目创建1.1 Create individual G/L account 创建总帐科目TRANSACTION CODE:FS00事务 菜单路径:FS00SAP menu>Accounting>Financial Accounting>General Ledger >Master records >Individual Processing>FS00步骤描述(一级)输入内容备注1G/L Account No(创建科目号)输入总帐科目号1资产,2负...
1. 如果在GL account的master data里面,之前已经做好了alternative account的mapping, 那我要改成另外的local account,这样 会不会影响本地子公司的报表? 2. 如果GL account和alternative account是多对一的关系,那么当你分配同一个alternative account的时候,系统会出现error错误, ...
StaticADDITIONAL_MASTER_DATA_SOURCE ADDITIONAL_MASTER_DATA_SOURCE:StringField<GlAccount>= new StringField('AdditionalMasterDataSource', GlAccount, 'Edm.String') Defined in packages/vdm/group-reporting-master-data-service/GlAccount.ts:125 Static representation of theadditional...
Does anybody knows what is the field "House Bank" for in GL Account Master data (SKB1- HBKID)? I have configured in FBZP for each "house bank" its GL Account in table T012K-HBKID but I have never informed HBKID in GL Account Master data. - what is SKB1- HBKID for? - should...
1.GLMasterDataMaintenance总帐科目创建 1.1CreateindividualG/Laccount创建总帐科目 TRANSACTIONCODE:FS00 事务菜单路径: FS00SAPmenu>Accounting>FinancialAccounting>GeneralLedger>Master records>IndividualProcessing>FS00 2/62 3/62 步骤描述(一级)输入内容备注 ...
1.GL Master Data Maintenance 总帐科目创建 1.1 Create individual G/L account 创建总帐科目 TRANSACTION CODE:FS00事务菜单路径:FS00 SAP menu>Accounting>Financial Accounting>General Ledger >Master records >Individual Processing>FS00步骤1描述(一级)输入内容...
1.GL Master Data Maintenance 总帐科目创建 1.1 Create individual G/L account 创建总帐科目 TRANSACTION CODE:FS00 事务 菜单路径: FS00 SAP menu>Accounting>Financial Accounting>General Ledger >Master records >Individual Processing>FS00 1 / 62 2 / 62 步骤1 描述(一级) 输入内容 G/L Account No(创建科...