EBS中调用fnd_profile.value(GL_ACCESS_SET_ID)取不到值的情况 在ebs中有时候会调用fnd_profile.value(‘GL_SET_OF_BKS_ID’)来取相关的ledger_id,但是发现没有值,这个是因为配置文件里面没有配置的原因,在系统管理员职责下,选择配置文件,选择相关的职责, 这里写图片描述,然后再在配置文件中选择GL分类账名称...
:UPDATE GLTRAN SET LedgerID = 'XXXXXXXXXXX',其中 BatNbr = 'YYYYYYY' ,LedgerID = 'xxxxxxxxxx' ,Module = 'MM' (其中 ,'XXXXXXXXXXX' = 正确的 LedgerID, "YYYYYY"= 相应的 GL 批编号,"xxxxxxxxxx" = 错误的 LedgerID,"MM" = 相应的模块) 5。 Access General Ledge...
:UPDATE GLTRAN SET LedgerID = 'XXXXXXXXXXX',其中 BatNbr = 'YYYYYYY' ,LedgerID = 'xxxxxxxxxx' ,Module = 'MM' (其中 ,'XXXXXXXXXXX' = 正确的 LedgerID, "YYYYYY"= 相应的 GL 批编号,"xxxxxxxxxx" = 错误的 LedgerID,"MM" = 相应的模块) 5。 Access General Ledger Post Transactions ...
These key flexfields server validations API are a low level interface to key flexfields validation. They are designed to allow access to all the flexfields functionality, and to allow the user to get only the information they need in return. Because of their generality, these functions are mor...
These key flexfields server validations API are a low level interface to key flexfields validation. They are designed to allow access to all the flexfields functionality, and to allow the user to get only the information they need in return. Because of their generality, these functions are mor...
If you seeYOUR_MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN, log into your account and copy the code snippet again. Your token is automatically added to your code snippet when you're logged in. Open yourindex.htmlfile in a browser and you should be able to see the default Mapbox globe. ...
Make sure mapboxgl.accessToken is set equal to one of your access tokens. Replace your-tileset-id-here with the tileset ID for the tileset you created. Replace your-source-layer-here with the name of the source layer in your tileset.<!doctype html> Get started with Mapbox GL JS...
BufferMemoryBarrierAccessAndQueueInfo BufferCreateInfo BufferMemoryBarrierInfo BufferViewCreateInfo BlendAttachmentState BufferAllocation CameraSortFunc ClearValue CascadeViewProjMatrixUniform ColorBlendState CommandBufferCreateInfo DepthStencilOp DepthStencilState DescriptorSetCreateInfo Descripto...
ACCESS_SET_ID NUMBER 18 Data access set security identifier. DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 240 User account group description. LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row. LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last...