Karate forEveryone Fun, Fitness with a Purpose. Children, Adult and Family Classes Available! FIND A LOCATIONMEMBERSHIP ENQUIRY Kata Videos HaveArrived! Learn & refine all Kata from the GKR Karate syllabus with our brand new Kata videos!
. You will notice that each grade level in the beginning can be attained every 3-4 months. This is set up this way so that a student can be assessed in smaller steps as they start out their karate journey and begin to learn all the new skills (strikes, blocks, stances, kicks, kata...
Black Belt Grading Assessment, Kata & Kumite Challenge June 17, 2019 Bradford – Black Belt Grading June 17, 2019 NZ – Focus Mitt and Kick Shield Workshop – Manurewa May 1, 2019 Hatfield – Black Belt Grading July 18, 2018 Membership Enquiry GKR Karate brings the exciting Martial Art...
This is not how bunkai is intended to be. One must note that kata is both a method of self-defence AND an art form, and while it is two things they do not have to resemble one another. The actuality is this; the self-defence technique was the egg. The karate forefathers had been ...
First round kata – Either Saifa, Bassai Dai, Seuinchin or Empi Second round onwards – Any kata in the GKR Karate syllabus from Saifa upwards Competitors must perform a different kata in each subsequent round. Competitors who reach ‘finals’ rounds may repeat a kata they’ve already performe...
even out of our reach. Whether it is wanting to lose a large amount of weight to get back to a state of health and well-being, saving for a deposit on your first house, or setting the goal to achieve a black belt in karate, all of these goals can all conjure up overwhelming ...
GKR Karate is a family club that is dedicated to fostering sound values and developing strong, humble, brave individuals and healthy communities.
On Saturday August 18, GKR conducted its first ever Black Belt ONLY tournament, the NSW Black Belt Open. This tournament was also unique as competitors entered a round robin draw. Divisions spread across multiple rings had a guaranteed 4 or 5 rounds, wit
Shihan Glenn’s World Record Attempt was up first as the huge team of GKR Karate volunteers set up the boards for Glenn to break in his World Record Attempt. After taking a moment to gather his thoughts and compose himself for what was ahead, Glenn raised his hand signalling for the the...
You can imagine when Karate first reached mainland Japan (and every student was a white belt) that it was years before they needed to implement these Shogo or Shihan Titles. However if you train in Japan today, you will find them everywhere. ...