Related: List Of All International Airports In India (Updated 2024)141. Who were said to be the original inhabitants of Sikkim?a) Lepchasb) Bhutiasc) Nepalesed) LimbusAnswer142. Which is the first 100% sustainable region in the world?a) Meghalayab) Sikkimc) Uttarakhandd) Kerala...
We also used the meetings as a sounding board on the NEP proposals to have two sets of question papers for most subjects – one with MCQs (multiple choice questions), and the other descriptive. It will develop and implement “technical standards for the design, conduct, analysis and reportin...
Ans. Embibe Big Book for General Knowledge is considered to be one of the best books for getting acquainted with current affairs questions. Q: What are the sections of the UIIC Assistant Mains question paper? Ans. English language, Reasoning Ability, Computer Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, and...
Current Affairs 25 October 2020 Quiz. Important Current Affairs 2020. GK questions on current affairs IBPS, SBI Current Affairs Competitive
2) Jharkhand 3) Uttarakhand 4) Madhya Pradesh Ans: 2 77. Against which judge the Rajya Sabha Passed the Motion of impeachment in 2011, but he resigned to save himself before it could be passed by the Lok sabha ? 1) Justice V Ramaswami...
Jagan Kumar is the first Indian to win Asia Road Racing. Have You Attempted Current Affairs Quiz of 3rd October! Do it Now! Read GK Update in Hindi You may also like to Read: Study notes of banking awareness for IBPS Exam 2017 More questions of banking awareness for bank exams CRACK ...
D. UttarakhandAnswer: CCurrent Affairs: Days and EventsThe International Day for Biosphere ReservesThe ‘International Day for Biosphere Reserves’, which started in 2022, was observed on 3rd November. What are Biosphere Reserves?Biosphere Reserves (BRs) are representative parts of natural and ...