Today's GK Mock Test This is an Online Quiz to test your General Knowledge. This Online Test is useful for academic and competitive exams. Multiple answer choices are given for each question in this test. You have to choose the best option. After completing the test, you can see your res...
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Rate this question: 432 2. Which god is also known as ‘Gauri Nandan’? A. Agni B. Indra C. Hanuman D. Ganesha Correct Answer D. Ganesha Explanation Ganesha is also known as 'Gauri Nandan' because he is the son of Goddess Gauri or Parvati. This name highlights his relationship with ...
If you tend to forget an answer to a certain question then create flashcards to memorize them. Ensure that you revise the daily GK questions. Revision helps you to retain the concepts and recapitulate the events and questions based on GK. Make sure that you take GK mock tests to revise ...
WBP Mock Test Math G.I & Reasoning History Geography Environmental Studies Bengali Syllabus Question Paperপশ্চিমবঙ্গ পুলিশ কনস্টেবল মকটেস্ট পর্ব-696 | NTPC Mock Test In BengaliNovember 27, 2024 সা...
-> Mock Test It will generate a test paper from the question bank as per settings and allow user to give test. After test completion, result will be generated and stored to statics of user. -> Old Test Papers (Section: Exam Types) ...
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-> Mock Test It will generate a test paper from the question bank as per settings and allow user to give test. After test completion, result will be generated and stored to statics of user. -> Old Test Papers (Section: Exam Types) Old question papers with answer key for view purpose ...
The in-built “Practice” section allows users to practice each question with four options. You can apply and participate in quizzes in offline mode. The GK questions in this app cover a wide area comprising Books and Authors quiz, Computer Knowledge Quiz, Food and Drinks Quiz, National Symb...
-> Mock Test It will generate a test paper from the question bank as per settings and allow user to give test. After test completion, result will be generated and stored to statics of user. -> Old Test Papers (Section: Exam Types) Old question papers with answer key for view purpose ...