Giving the Cold Shoulder to Drug Therapy for Atrial FibrillationAHC MEDIAClinical Cardiology Alert
8. 在被动语态中:The decision is being given careful consideration.(这个决定正在被仔细考虑。) 9. 用于表达“允许”或“许可”的意思:The rules are giving us the flexibility we need.(这些规则给了我们所需的灵活性。) 10. 在某些习语中:She's giving me the cold shoulder.(她在冷落我。) 总结:giv...
网络为何你现在理都不理我;为何现在你理都不理我;可你现在对我爱答不理 网络释义 1. 为何你现在理都不理我 ...So why you giving me the cold shoulder now为何你现在理都不理我Ok I know I was late again 我知道我晚归让你生气 ...|基于25个网页 ...
When you don't want to talk to me, giving me the cold shoulder, may have thought I better than you sad? I just want to have selfish of you, let you belong to me a person, let you stay 并且我真正地一起使您怏怏不乐? 并且我真正地一起使您困恼? 您比您何时不想要可以与我谈话,给我...
the other side of the screen, when in reality, these were bots pretending to be real people watching TV. The operation hid its sophisticated bots within the limited signal and transparency of server side ad insertion (SSAI) backed video ad impressions.The Human Defense Platformis able to ...
The pilots, who lived in the Raleigh-Durham area, left me at the hotel pickup zone with a cheerful “Happy Thanksgiving, Karla. See you in the morning.” Despondently, I waited for the hotel van, shivering as the cold breeze snuck under my navy overco...
While walking, she was licking on an ice-cream cone, which cost her 9.8 yuan (US$1.46), almost 10 times higher than the "grandma cream popsicle." But it was just one of the more fair-priced treats in store freezers. The other ...
Giving Global Warming the Cold Shoulder. 来自 EBSCO 喜欢 0 阅读量: 18 摘要: Focuses on Gallup's annual Environment/Earth Day survey conducted in the U.S. as of 2003 to rank the environmental issues concerning people. Percentage who worry about greenhouse effect or global warming; ...
He was not amused and started giving her the cold shoulder. Most of my friends laughed. One friend told me it was a jerk thing to say. My boyfriend wasn’t happy either, although his degree really isn’t all that useful. Ever since, my boyfriend has been ...
On the Friday after Thanksgiving, the busiest shopping day of the year, I went for breakfast in downtown Little Rock.Even at 8 a.m. there was a waiting line at the cafe. Customers stood in groups, chatting and rubbing their cold hands together, waiting to share a hot breakfast and ...