[translate] aIs to give up ,or give up choice ? 放弃,或者放弃挑选?[translate]
1. lose or lose the right to by some error, offense, or crime 2. give up with the intent of never claiming again; "Abandon your life to God" "She gave up her children to her ex-husband when she moved to Tahiti" "We gave the drowning victim up for dead" ...
give up的词典解释 1.放弃;戒除 If you give up something,you stop doing it or having it. e.g.Coastguards had given up all hope of finding the two divers alive. 海岸警卫队对两位潜水员生还已完全不抱希望。 e.g...smokers who give up before 30. 30岁以前戒烟的人 2.投降;认输;放弃 If ...
give up verb gave up; given up; giving up; gives up Synonyms of give up transitive verb 1 : to yield control or possession of : surrender forced to give up his job 2 : to desist from : abandon refused to give up her efforts 3 : to declare incurable or insoluble 4 a : ...
give-upn.佣金让予; 让予佣金 英英释义 动词give up: lose (s.th.) or lose the right to (s.th.) by some error, offense, or crime give up with the intent of never claiming again give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat put an end to a state or an ...
沪江词库精选give up是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语 1. 放弃(念头、希望等),停止,抛弃,认输2. 把...送交3. 辞去(工作)4. 自首;投案 英语解释 give up what is not strictly needed allow the other (baseball) team to score part with a possession or right ...
give...up与give up的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。 一、意思不同 1、give...up:放弃某事物。 2、give up:放弃,戒除。 二、用法不同 1、give...up:基本意思是“弃”。一是指因困难或危险(尤指因匆忙或想要逃跑)不得已而放弃某物或者离开某地,即停止行使权力或所有权的实施而“离弃”“放...
牛津高阶英汉双解词典:give sth up(宾语是物)stop doing or having sth; renounce sth 停止做某事; 放弃持有某物; 宣布放弃某事物: You ought to give up smoking; I gave it up last year. 你应该戒烟, 我去年就戒掉了.当代词作宾语,如 me,you,it,them等,只能放在动词和介词之间如...
解析 give up to do sth.事情还没开始,就放弃了 give up doing sth.事情做到中途,才放弃的 分析总结。 扫码下载作业帮拍照答疑一拍即得答案解析查看更多优质解析举报giveuptodosth结果一 题目 give up to do sth or give up doing sth? 答案 give up to do sth.事情还没开始,就放弃了give up doing sth...
1.What he said meant that he would give up the plan.他的话意味着他将放弃这个计划。2.I give up—tell me the answer.我放弃了,把答案告诉我吧。3.Did he give up or keep on trying?他是放弃了,还是在继续努力?4.There comes a point where you give up.现在你该放弃了。5.He ...