我的世界指令师应该会喜欢的一个指令 /give@scommand_block 1 1 {"minecraft:item_lock":{"mode":"lock_in_inventory"},"minecraft:keep_on_death":{}} 用这个指令获得的命令方块除了指令就不能被拿走,这样就不怕把命令方块弄丢了#Angelcox的指令世界# 更多精彩 我的世界:我这是什么逆天运气! 煞神吖 18...
我的世界获得命令方块的指令是/give @a command_block,并且版本必须在1.0.5版本以上,不要冒号,空格和下划线都要,输入的指令要和上面的一致,当然@a也可以改为@p,都能让我们自己获得。 详细答案: 1、打开聊天栏,输入代码/give玩家名minecraft:command_block,按回车结束,就能获得命令方块。 2、不要冒号,空格和下划...
我的世界获得命令方块的指令,我的世界大佬们都应该知道的指令:give @s command_block 64
输入:/give 玩家名 minecraft:command_block //@苏航大王:怎么获得命令方块呀? @大叔陪你玩: 抽奖机,最简单的抽奖机,只需要5个命令方块就能做出抽奖机#我的世界攻略# 视频已下架 近期活动 热门组件探索家之忍者生存篇 投稿任意一款【忍者生存】系列模组图文评测,赢钻石礼包 ...
命令方块矿车 /give @s minecraft:command_block_minecart 屏障/give @s minecraft:barrier 结构方块 /give @s minecraft:structure_block 结构空位 /give @s minecraft:structure_void 命令方块不同的状态也可以用指令拿 不过我懒 如果大家想知道再问我!
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to use the /give command with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. You can give a player any item whenever you want using the /give command in Minecraft.
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Except they dont. You can't enchant or anvil them together even in creative; you can only use a give command. Really? The standard syntax in Minecraft to create a 1000+ Sharpness weapon is /give @p{Enchantments:[{id:sharpness,lvl:}]} placed in the games chat window. 1 pair of Shears...
Open the chat box and then enter this particular command: /give @s item name[Minecraft:enchantments={levels:{enchantment:level, enchantment:level}} Here’s how this enchantment works. The /give part tells the game what you want. “@s” means you want the player to have it. The item nam...